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new siggeh? ya rly!!! second added!!!


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^^ hope yeh like it... cc welcome, and if you want, raste away.








these are 100% created by me, everything from the shading to teh logo (mine, no rippie)




also, the [bleep]ey ball thing is my trademark... so that noobies dont steel my work and send it into JAGeX as there own...

wop wop

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meh, i dont like it... the character looks good, but the rest just looks a bit rushed, and the horned guy has no shading whatsoever.....


Sigs made by Runemetsa, Nuzza, Dark_Shadow, Kuroi and Me.

liquid blobs attacking eachother


American Anime... YAY!

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was going to make it a cw sig like misterxmans but decided not to copy his idea...




heres what i had before i scratched it....






and sory to whoever wanted to see my logo on my skateboard, no digital camra, or scanner lol... ( im to p00r to afford thats stuff lol)




also, my new one will be comin out soon too?

wop wop

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