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A suggestion to all of you Tresaure Hunters!!!


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This is a very good suggestion to all of you:




NEVER open up a casket in the wildy. Because, if you open the casket and reveal some very good prizes, and end up dying and whatnot, you will lose some of the spoils, or just lose more than you would have without opening it. You should wait until you get out of the wildy before you open up that casket. Thats my suggestion to you all.

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i've never understood this idea,




what if the items in the casket are more valuable then the ones u have on u? won't u lose the casket anyway...


Combat 93+ - Metal drag obsessed ;)

Drops: D legs (1)

R.I.P. Steve Irwin & Peter Brock

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My strategy for wild co-ordinate clues is that I don't wear any armour. Just a dragon dagger, clue, spade, sextant, watch and chart. Also amulet of glory if less than level 30 wild. If it looks like I'm going to die I drop spade, sextant, watch, chart and I keep the clue scroll (or casket in this case). Just don't get skulled accidentally.

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i've never understood this idea,




what if the items in the casket are more valuable then the ones u have on u? won't u lose the casket anyway...




It just makes it a lot easier to keep what you have in your invetory, because if you had armor on, and you opened the casket, that would be even more stuff you lose if you die. However, if you only wore like 2 pieces of armor, and wield a weapon... You can just keep the casket and drop everything else (as McGuff said), and use protect items prayer. That way you don't lose anything at all valuable and you get to keep your 2 pieces of armor, weapon, and the casket. Remember, it is very easy to get back a spade, watch, etc...

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I must say that I personally always open caskets in wildy, especially if it's in the beginning of a trail. There is a few things more annoying than getting a casket in deep wildy, run out of wildy, open it - just to discover the next clue is in deep wildy as well. Always make sure you are out of multicombat zone before opening it though.




Regarding loosing stuff, I rather loose some dragonhide armour that I can easily replace (I always wear dragon hides to make it harder for mages to hit me), than to risk loosing a nice trimmed item or other semi rare stuff.




There are different strategies for treasure trail hunting in wildy. Personally I prefer to dress/bring items to give me a chance to defend myself if attacked. No wrong or rights here, everyone have to choose what suits them best.

Please think before you ask a question. If you ask the right question, its much more likely you get the answer you are looking for :)




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Something that I have always wondered is what "value" does Jagex place on a casket? Does it protect over anything, like say a spade? I would imagine that it has the normal 0gp value that Jagex places on non-tradable items.


Dragon Drops - 10 Meds, 9 Legs, 5 Skirts, 2 Left Half

PM me to have any potions made or crafting done

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There is a few things more annoying than getting a casket in deep wildy, run out of wildy, open it - just to discover the next clue is in deep wildy as well. Always make sure you are out of multicombat zone before opening it though.


Very good point there. It's happened to me more than once.




what "value" does Jagex place on a casket? Does it protect over anything, like say a spade? I would imagine that it has the normal 0gp value that Jagex places on non-tradable items.


A spade has a small shop value. I don't think a casket, sextant, watch, or chart have any shop value so you would loose them first.




But a Robin Hood or Ranger boots also have little or no shop value so you would loose them before a spade if you died.

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