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Fourm avatar size help


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I don't know if I'm posting this in the right forum. If not feel free to move it. ^^;




Anyway, I'm having a problem getting an avatar under 6kb to use on the fourms. My images only seem to measure in K or something. It's really confusing.




The image I want to use is here.








The demontions are correct, under 80x80, just not the file size.




If there is anyway for me to remedy this without the image becoming microscopic please let me know. I'm useing Photoshop CS for Mac if that helps.





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I'd have to disagree, I find that .png has the best transition from .bmp (which is the most common paint file) to another format.




But not the smallest file size...




The two files above are exactly the same as the PNG, and have smaller file sizes.




The GIF is using 128 colours and the JPG is at 100% quality. As in no loss.




Still think PNG's better? :|


Notoriously Trollish.

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JPG is best for photographs.


PNG & GIF are best for computer drawn stuff with a limited number of colours, screenshots, etc. In almost all cases PNG is better than GIF.




GIF is good for pixels with a small ammount of colors in them, since it is limited to 256 colors.




JPG depends on the program mostly. Photoshop JPG's aren't bad, for example, but saving a JPG in paint usualy is horrendous.






PNG is fairly good all around, no real sign of loss of quality but the file size is larger than JPG/GIF. (usualy I find about twice as large, maybe 3 times, as a top quality JPG).

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