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RS 1 VS RS 2, how RS 2 is easier.


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Why Rs 1 is more diffucult:




1. Sleeping Bags,you have to rest when your fatigue level reaches 100%.




2. There is no run option :(.Travelling takes longer.




3. No Cooking X ! You can click and destroy 7 mouse to get 99 cooking.




4. Runescape 1,you can only cut normal trees, which means 1 log per tree.




5.When you train range levels,you and opponent must be seperated by an object. Eg. a table. Once the enemy gets in your meelee range,your bow will be replaced by your bare hands.**respect blick,pk diablo etc etc




6. No Notes, only certificates, which is equivilant to 5 of each item.Certificates apply to some items only,some items such as clay/bronze bars cannot be certed.They certers are known as Niles,Giles and Miles.




7.You have to queue up to speak to NPC.If you remember you have to wait 10 minutes because of lag/ or bank hogger. Or do you remember people hogging the Certers ? or the al kharid gate ?




8.Runecrafting. Only basic runes are sold in RS1 and you get others off monsters only.




9.Due to Runecrafting skill introduced in RS2, all runes got doubled in RS2.




10.Training places are always crowded,due to lesser than 30 servers.These places include level 20 graveyard,level 36 hobgoblins,level 3 darkwizards.




11.F2p people only get to use bronze arrows or normal crossbolts.




12.The Stronghold of Security is no doubt the best training area for F2p in RS2,this is unavailable in RS 1.




13.There is no smite,skullers almosts ALWAYS get to keep one of their best item.




14.Diffucult to pk,everywhere is not multi-combat zone,disgraced pkers can remove weapon,get cursed from friends,punch each other and "X" out. **when picture of this is shown the person will lose all his respect








Why Rs 2 is more diffucult:




1.Random events,they waste your time and sometimes brings you to weird places.




2.Rune 2h hits pretty fast in RS1 and does a relatively high max damage.




3.You can mine with your inventory full.The ores will be left on ground.




4.You can woodcut with inventory full.The logs will be left on ground.




5.Range and magic can be applied everywhere, this means 20 people can mage/range 1 person in the wilderness.This can only be done in RS2 multi combat zone.




6.Diffucult to Pk! With run mode,and the removal of 3 hit system.






If you have any more points which stats why RS 1 is easier than RS 2 or RS 2 is easier than RS 1, please post .Miss the old times.. Discuss

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Why Rs 1 is more diffucult:




1. Sleeping Bags,you have to rest when your fatigue level reaches 100%.




2. There is no run option :(.Travelling takes longer.




3. No Cooking X ! You can click and destroy 7 mouse to get 99 cooking.




4. Runescape 1,you can only cut normal trees, which means 1 log per tree.




5.When you train range levels,you and opponent must be seperated by an object. Eg. a table. Once the enemy gets in your meelee range,your bow will be replaced by your bare hands.**respect blick,pk diablo etc etc




6. No Notes, only certificates, which is equivilant to 5 of each item.Certificates apply to some items only,some items such as clay/bronze bars cannot be certed.They certers are known as Niles,Giles and Miles.




7.You have to queue up to speak to NPC.If you remember you have to wait 10 minutes because of lag/ or bank hogger. Or do you remember people hogging the Certers ? or the al kharid gate ?




8.Runecrafting. Only basic runes are sold in RS1 and you get others off monsters only.




9.Due to Runecrafting skill introduced in RS2, all runes got doubled in RS2.




10.Training places are always crowded,due to lesser than 30 servers.These places include level 20 graveyard,level 36 hobgoblins,level 3 darkwizards.




11.F2p people only get to use bronze arrows or normal crossbolts.




12.The Stronghold of Security is no doubt the best training area for F2p in RS2,this is unavailable in RS 1.




13.There is no smite,skullers almosts ALWAYS get to keep one of their best item.




14.Diffucult to pk,everywhere is not multi-combat zone,disgraced pkers can remove weapon,get cursed from friends,punch each other and "X" out. **when picture of this is shown the person will lose all his respect








Why Rs 2 is more diffucult:




1.Random events,they waste your time and sometimes brings you to weird places.




2.Rune 2h hits pretty fast in RS1 and does a relatively high max damage.




3.You can mine with your inventory full.The ores will be left on ground.




4.You can woodcut with inventory full.The logs will be left on ground.




5.Range and magic can be applied everywhere, this means 20 people can mage/range 1 person in the wilderness.This can only be done in RS2 multi combat zone.




6.Diffucult to Pk! With run mode,and the removal of 3 hit system.






If you have any more points which stats why RS 1 is easier than RS 2 or RS 2 is easier than RS 1, please post .Miss the old times.. Discuss




Unnecessary instigation of argument aside(reference to post immediately prior, not the quoted post), I feel that many of the points posed as to why Runescape's original form was difficult don't fully take into account the progression of the game. Firstly, to backtrack a minute, I'd like to poke at number 6 in your list as to why Runescape's original form was harder. You cite the existance of certs rather than notes (I agree, they were a pain), however neglect that there once was a time when neither existed, and even that at one point, Runescape didn't have item banks at all. That's right, Runescape banks only held gold coins, nothing else.




Let's take into consideration all the "difficulties" of past Runescape days. Many of these difficulties were merely time inefficiencies in the game. For Jagex to have developed the game as much as they have, adding a plethora of new skills, acres upon acres of new land to explore, along with countless new creatures to interact with, they can't have possibly expected Runescapers to be able to fully engage the game as we currently can, given past conditions. While I agree that the same tasks we perform in game today were more time consuming in past days, I disagree that the game as a whole was more difficult. Partially because there wasn't as much to do back then, and it was acceptable to put so much time into so little production since there simply wasn't enough else in the game to hold one's interest, but furthermore because much (nearly all) of this game can be accomplished in patterns of clicking. Fundamentally, it's a very simple game...regardless of what it is you want skillwise or gp wise, you can click toward your answer :) I suppose you must use some text interaction if you'd like a rare item or something, but the vast majority of this game is played by simply clicking :) I'm not saying that's a bad thing...I play as much as the next guy, but I'm not putting it on a pedestal either and inventing a level of difficulty into either game when really...There isn't one xD In my opinion, anyway :)




Okay, that's all I've got. Cheers!

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rsc you used to be able to high alc complete stacks in 1 click, providing you had the nats of course. not as good as it seems as you couldent note everything.




also run was implimented in rs2 because jagex wanted agi to be useful past lvl 50. they also stated the spreaded the world out more to compensate for this




sleeping parks only lasted around 1-2 months. jagex realised fatigue was a big mistake (might be wrong about this one but i do rember getting 60 mining by mining 12 coal at barb village banking at edge sleeping in a bed there (before sleeping bags) typing in a msg to wake up then rinse and repeat. pretty much no such thing as powermining

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i agree, it was a ton more difficult but i don't like a lot your points. First off, most of the list is REEEEALLY recent. Cook x is pretty new, stronghold of security is a couple months, the smite spell is also new. Also, when you say its difficult to pk, your right, but its also easier to escape being pked, which is good for a lot of the population. Things are overall easier because they've done so many new things. Its like saying "things are easier than they were in the 1600s". DUH! #-o , i mean we have all this modern stuff. I dont see the point in this thread, cause its just obvious that rs1 is harder, cause its NOT AS MODERN!

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RSC is awsome it's fun because it's hard and i couldn't really be bothered reading every point but heres the thing WC was pretty much easy as jsut hit move onto next tree, fatigue adds another element and helps prevents bots (well only the bots that are basic),running who needed running the next town was like 30 secs away like the scale size is at a ratio of 1:25, Pking system was awsome 3 hitting was so fun and you had to learn how to catch and people just couldn't eat all the time, rs2 does have better items armor and etc but i still prefer ol' rsc in some parts, also you do realise most pkers DON'T have prayer but prayer pures do keep their r2h's but their extremly low leveled, higher leveled pk's involve rune and dragon items I really don't see how it's bad :-s , also owning a dragon square and med meant that you were tha shizz, lol really owning the best item is pretty awsome now it's who can earn more money not who has better skills, Rs2 is great though I'm just saying some of your points aren't exactly correct. Oh yeh the banknig thing sucked and so was certing, merchanting really wasn't that big since rares weren't worth much money was earnt through pking/staking which made it fun and risking \' oh and i just read the non multi part......... skill buddy you needed skill to pk, not the best armor and weapon and stats skill... Rs2 which i respect most pkers are good but really all you need is magic and ancients whip out a whip and hit em dead. Oh and i kinda just read the rest of your psot and i'm too lazy to delete all of what i just typed lol.

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