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He had lost his ways.


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Before we start, a few stories that I love!




The tale of Radon


Virus, by my good friend Mario-sunny






Be sure to note, I am not the main character of the story, and these are not my feelings. It is just a story, and nothing more!




A dusty, tiny shop sat in the old district of Varrock, brightened by a rusty iron lamp hanging in the corner. The man who ran the shop had skin well worn and the torn robes of an ancient monk. He was not the warrior that he once was. He could no longer hold the long sword that had given him glory. Its runeite blade still strong, even if he was not the same.




He had changed. He had once hated the ones know as "merchants," who, in his opinion, ruined the value of what he had taken of the corpses of the slain. But when he found his skill draining from him, he new he had to make a living from somewhere other than the sandy arenas north of the desert city. His blade could no longer pay for itself.




He had to become the hated merchant. He now bought, sold, and manipulated the prices of Runescape. He bought and sold large amounts of lobsters and monkfish. He bought and sold the armor he once wore into battle. He bought and sold weapons that he had once battled with. Iron and arrows and runes and rares. He sold and sold.




He became rich. REALLY rich. But in that, he had become selfish. As a young warrior, he had given money to the young boys arriving in Lumbridge. When he was only 35 attack, he had given away his addy long sword to a young man, and had used a black battle-axe for another 5 levels.




But now, he hoarded his stockpiles. He kept it locked in a store room. That as well as his rare collection and his stock of items. When people came, seeking money for worthy causes, he shunned them. He tried to shoot them off with mighty spells, but he could not even muster the power to cast spells newcomers could cast. He tried to pull back the string on the simple short bow, but could not have the strength. He just slammed the door in their faces.




He then got a letter from the makeover mage. He had developed a way to change not only appearance, but also reduce age. He could make him young again!!!!!!!!!




But it would come at a cost. The makeover mage was not going to give it away for free. It would cost the merchant much of his money. That same day, the collection agency known as N.E.W.B (Newcomers engage wealthy businessmen.) arived at his shop. They were gathering money to pay the united smithing guild for iron armor sets for noobs.




A good cause, to be sure. But not good enough for the greedy merchant. He sent his guard dog on them, and they fled quickly.




The collectors met in the Blue moon inn. "He will not get away with that." said one. The other just nodded.




The merchant awoke the next morning. He loved to glance at his pile of goods every morning, to see his wealth. He had decided that he would get the new process done by the makeover mage. He would become young and fight once again.




He opened the door. He had sealed it with a spell tablet given to him by his friend in the magician's guild. But the seal was broken. He opened the door. The money was gone.




A master thief had broken in and had stolen all he had. In its place was a letter.




"Dear sir,


Thank you for your large donation. Your contribution is highly generous. Know that, because of you, many noobs shall survive their days in their new iron armor.


Thank you,






Now, he had not a coin to his name. The mage would not do the age reduction spell for free. His greed had been for naught. He could no longer praise his riches.




He looked towards the wall. On it was a picture of a warrior and a young boy. The warrior was giving the young boy a set of bronze armor. He was the warrior.




He was once a generous man. He became what he had hated, a greedy, selfcentered person.




He had lost his way.




Maybe losing his money was for the best.


The GES, the only clan ruled by a Goat.

"How did it start? I mean, did one kid just yell out lets have sex!""
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Good moral, like it. 8-)








While I'm typing, why does no one use this fourm?








Because the Varrock Library is probably in the top three least popular forums. Join the Campaign to save the Varrock library! Put this in your sig:

















Proud Legionairre of the 10th Legion of Kandarin.

Search for "The 10th Legion of Kandarin" on RSOF to join a small, friendly clan!

270 Quest Points and counting

Remember - In the gene pool, there is no life guard. :P

You're not getting my point. If you had an IQ above room temperature you would.
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Or do another picture...possibly a better picture.








Varrock Library is very much used...compared to the old days. The thing is that there is not a huge number of people here at any one time, as far as everyone is concerned this will be here forevermore.








Why do today, what you can put off till tommrow?








Anyway good story, it was quite well thought out and I liked the Acronym of NEWB.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Very well written, very very well written.








I love the way you grasped the reader's attention with this charming short story... and it had a good moral! :D








I had to hesitate with it a bit... but I really do think you deserve a 10/10.








GOOD JOB! :mrgreen:


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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Thank you everyone!








I used N.E.W.B. Because I could not think of anythhing for N.O.O.B








I was thinking "Nobles Open Overstuffed Bank", but I didn't like it.


The GES, the only clan ruled by a Goat.

"How did it start? I mean, did one kid just yell out lets have sex!""
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Sorry but I'm no pixel artist - in fact, that was the first drawing I ever did on MS Paint. If you've got any tips on how to make it better, please PM me.

Proud Legionairre of the 10th Legion of Kandarin.

Search for "The 10th Legion of Kandarin" on RSOF to join a small, friendly clan!

270 Quest Points and counting

Remember - In the gene pool, there is no life guard. :P

You're not getting my point. If you had an IQ above room temperature you would.
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Hey, you've now connected this story to your new one with the link in the other one about the 'powerful, old merchant' I envy your idea, now you can get all the people flooding into all your stories, on one topic!

Proud Legionairre of the 10th Legion of Kandarin.

Search for "The 10th Legion of Kandarin" on RSOF to join a small, friendly clan!

270 Quest Points and counting

Remember - In the gene pool, there is no life guard. :P

You're not getting my point. If you had an IQ above room temperature you would.
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