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Managing my Kingdom

Guest ejp2005

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Guest ejp2005

I have recently acquired the use of the kingdoms of Miscellania and Etcetera.




While reading through the guide on Tip.It I start to feel very confused:




You can place upto 7.5million gp in your coffers




Makes sense




You take 10% of your coffers(lets say you have them full, so it maxed at 75k for the day)






I have tried to work out 10% of 7.5million for about 10 minutes now and I keep coming up with 750k.


Is my maths just really that bad or is the guide wrong in some way?




If it's my maths please show the appropriate sums.




If it's the guide then do I take 10% (750k) or 1% (75k) each day?




Thank You :)

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It's 10% up to a maximum of 75k :wink: .


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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I wouldn't really know, but if the Tip.It Guides I have used have never had any problems in them. All correct and how they should be.




Maybe the Guide is wrong since you tried alot of times to sum it up.




Wait a few more moments someone should reply.




- Skenderbeu

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Guest ejp2005

So I can only use a maximum of 75k each day?




that means i may as well just leave 750k in the coffers?




if so..




whats the point in putting more into your kingdom




now i'm very confused :(

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your maths is correct :) and so is the guide :shock:




with 750 k in coffers, workers take max out, which is 75k. This way however, you need to add more cash daily to the coffers, to keep it at max. Because of this, game allows you to add more, so max can be taken even if you dont visit daily.




If you put 7,5 mill in coffers, max (75k) will be taken out daily for 90 (91?) days without you having to remember to add more coins. You still should visit every now and then to keep your rating up though.




Most people I know, including myself put between 1-2 mill in. Then we visit the kingdom to chop a few maples or do other stuff daily-weekly according to personal preferences, in my case I go there every second/third day most of the time. Then add more coins to the coffers every week/every second weed. Something like that.

Please think before you ask a question. If you ask the right question, its much more likely you get the answer you are looking for :)




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Guest ejp2005

Thank you for clarifying the situation :)




I may as well just put a million in there and leave the rest in my bank lol.




Dang this has dashed my hopes of making easy money.... :(

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well it is actually easy money....




but anyway, does the %-age happiness matter each day or can i leave it and then ultra top it up on the collecting day?




It matters, I believe (if I read NukeMarine's posts correctly, when he was researching it), that it when you pull out the resources it takes the average of your approval.




For example, if you leave it for 10 days then on the tenth day raise the approval, it will consider your overall approval for the resources at 95%.




So leaving it for a few days here and there won't hurt too much. But for an extended period of time it might not be worth it with a lowered approval.

If Jagex ever made a perfect update, there would be players complaining about nothing to complain about.

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Guest ejp2005

Actually from reading the guide;




Each day 10% is taken from your coffers (upto 75k) then the approoval rating is taken into consideration lets say if it's 90% then the amount taken will be multiplied by .9, basically taking 90% and wasting the other 10%)




Then that amount of money is put aside (lets call it "work")




This happens every day (not sure what time) adding to this thing called "work".




When you come to collect, "work" is divided by the number of active workers you have.




The number of resources you get is then worked out and is delivered to your bank with any bonus items your workers may have collected.

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