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Monkey Madness...HELP!!!!!


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OK, i to the part where you kill the demon...im lvl 70, with 28 prayer..EDIT:Kust figured out i need at least 37 preyer...:( my range is 53 i want to kill it with that. i tried it with a magic short bow and almost died because it wouldent hit from far away..do i need a magic longbow? thanks in advance!

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Use the Gnomes as your safespot. Put some of them between yourself and the Demon and you'll be fine. You should be a distance from it that you can only see his legs. But I do highly advise you to get at least 37 Prayer, then take a few Prayer Pots and use Protect from Magic. Also, you should take a Magic Longbow, as they have a further range.








I was able to beat the Demon at lvl 42 Range, using a Yew Longbow and only 200 Steel Arrows (this is before the new prayers came out that raise ranged attack). I had 44 Prayer at the time, and only used 2 doses of Prayer Pot, so you should be fine.








~Oreo9870, Runescape's Favorite Cookie and a Monkey Madness Expert

Expecting a good life because you're a good person is like expecting a bull not to charge because you're a vegetarian.

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I'm actually really surprised that you managed to get to the Demon fight with 28 Prayer. I've guided about 10 of my friends through the quest (out of my entire friends list, I was the first to beat Monkey Madness ::' ), and I told them all to get 43 Prayer at least. Mind letting me in on the secret?

Expecting a good life because you're a good person is like expecting a bull not to charge because you're a vegetarian.

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