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Happy Halloween!


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Btw, to the people who were giving out candies or trick or treaters, did you notice a decline in halloween spirit? Most of the kids that came to my house weren't in costumes (one of them, dressed up in my highschool uniform #-o - how lame) Most that were are like 1-10 years of age.








Well most of the people that came to my door were in costumes but it seems like there are less and less people every year. I remember there being tons of people out on haloween night but now it seems like someone comes to your door only once every 5 minutes.








Really? There were more people this year than the last it seems. The trick-or-treaters usually come in groups of 4 or 7 people every 5 minutes at my neighborhood. Well, it's not the same as previous halloweens where we would sit out on the steps and watch individual kids come by. I also notice that the majority of the kids here are much older and bigger :shock:








Question. How old is too old for trick-or-treatings? Or does it depend on height? (wear a mask, no one will know :anxious: )








But anyways. You're never too old for candy \'











Has anyone noticed the moon has not been full on a halloween for two years in a row, something strange is going on I think but, that's just me.




I didn't even notice the moon :(


.: Gallery :.

Away :( -cheers all!

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Just wanted to have some fun this year, when the kids came over to my door and rang the bell, asking 'trick or treat', I answered "trick" and shut the door gently but with determination. Had to repeat it a few times during the night. I waited for hours, they never did anything to me, I felt evil. Wouldn't mind having my wall egged right now for some thrill.

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We had our pumpkin nicked :lol: It was found later impaled ontop of a fence opposite our house. Someone also managed to blow up a cabbage and get it all over the street. That said it was the first time in six years that we haven't been egged or flour bombed which makes a nice change.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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Just wanted to have some fun this year, when the kids came over to my door and rang the bell, asking 'trick or treat', I answered "trick" and shut the door gently but with determination. Had to repeat it a few times during the night. I waited for hours, they never did anything to me, I felt evil. Wouldn't mind having my wall egged right now for some thrill.








How cruel. Kind of funny though.


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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Just wanted to have some fun this year, when the kids came over to my door and rang the bell, asking 'trick or treat', I answered "trick" and shut the door gently but with determination. Had to repeat it a few times during the night. I waited for hours, they never did anything to me, I felt evil. Wouldn't mind having my wall egged right now for some thrill.
I woulda egged ya i'd be like "were's my candy you a**hole *throws eggs*." Now that woulda been classic... Take that back what woulda been classic is if i threw a pie.
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