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Training WITH decent drops


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I reckon some of you might be tired with all the "What should I train on?"-topics, but this one is a bit different.








Okay, these are my combat stats.








Hitpoints: 52




Attack: 56




Strength: 53




Defence: 53




Slayer: 16




(Range: 27)




(Mage: 40)




Prayer: 35








Range and Mage are in brackets, 'cause that's not what I'm training (not that it doesn't need training, but that's beside the point).








My question to all of you experienced and wise; What's good training for me but WITH good drops?








I have tried guides and the like, but Experiments drops nothing except bones, and I, owner of a very suffering bank account (only 40-50k, gasp), can't get Experiments to become good training.








So now I'm asking all of you for some good advice. I use Minotaurs sometimes because they drop Clues and Pure Ess, but I'm not sure if that's good enough training with my level.








Anything, anyone?

Owner of Quest Cape since 11/9/2007 23:30! Working my butt off to get it back.



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If the Minotaurs (level 12) die too fast, portal to the end of the level and work back to the level 27's.








I'd also suggest fishing kit, so you can resupply at the river, rather than trudging back to the bank.








With rune weapon & armour, you should be able to take down a number of Ankou (the northeast room with Ankou only) on a load of food - not great training, but they have a better drop list in members than in F2P, even of items which are F2P.








The trick with the stronghold, is that you can move quickly from boring roadkill, to challenging opponents - level 2 has the flesh crawles, all-level aggressive for semi-afk

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Thanks for all the help, I've gotten 3 Trails, all who lead to not too bad stuff.








Now, I'm sitting here with 341 Bronze Bolts, which I've all tipped with Opal Tips just to get rid of them in my bank and I'm asking the same question again. Ranging level is on top of the topic and I use Full Studded, [bleep]ed Vambs, Coif, Blurite Crossbow and, as mentioned, 341 Opal Tipped Bolts. Suitable monsters with good drops?

Owner of Quest Cape since 11/9/2007 23:30! Working my butt off to get it back.



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