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How Do I download .swf files? How do I upload them?


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.swf are flash. They're designed to be hard to download. I believe there are extensions for firefox to download them.




Here's one although i havnt tried it: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/2390/




It says it can download ones from youtube. And youtube is embedded flash so i suppose that works...












Well: Actually, they're not designed to be hard to download. But alot of sights embed video into flash which makes it harder to download.

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.swf are flash. They're designed to be hard to download.








No there not! they consist of a single file its impossible to stop someone stealing online content.








By default browser developers never included a "save as" function for them because 90% of users will never need to download one their intended purpose was/is for embedding into websites. They are not intended to be unstealable in anyway just no one bothered making it easyer for the avarage user like they did with images.








I personally pull them out of my cache




recently i started using




videodownloader.net to steal from youtube


Since 27 Aug 2002

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Uh, I jus use the firefox plugin, can't be bothered doing it the long ways :oops:




Can someone give me some help using that? I'm trying YouTube as the plugin says it can, but I keep getting an error with it...












Fatal error: Call to undefined function: youtube_get() in /home/.decca/javimoya/videodownloader.net/vd/test.php on line 56


don't worry, you are going to "hell" anyway. wanna race to see who gets there first?

Officially reached 100 Combat at 1:33PM EST, June 14, 2007

First Dragon Drop: Dragon Chain (Dust Devils) @ 10:48PM EST, July 14, 2008, lv113 combat

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Uh, I jus use the firefox plugin, can't be bothered doing it the long ways :oops:
Can someone give me some help using that? I'm trying YouTube as the plugin says it can, but I keep getting an error with it...




Fatal error: Call to undefined function: youtube_get() in /home/.decca/javimoya/videodownloader.net/vd/test.php on line 56

I'm not sure what causes that, it's possible that youtube modified their code slightly, but I really don't know. The best place to get support would be to email the extension developer:





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