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stem cell research


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Stem cell research has NOTHING to do with abortion, as I (and others)stated before. The material used are "leftovers" (yes, a nasty word) from in vitro fertilisation treatments (which help people get children if they are unable to get them "the natural way"). This is not a discussion about abortion, or pro/con life.








Anyway, success in a lab rat is only a small step forward. Humans and rats DO differ a lot, in case you hadn't noticed. These differences make it YEARS away from human tests, let alone standart treatment.








It's the concept. If a rat's stem cells can heal it's spinal cord, why could a human's not do the same? There is nothing special about a rat's stem cells. They're not magical.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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It's the concept. If a rat's stem cells can heal it's spinal cord, why could a human's not do the same? There is nothing special about a rat's stem cells. They're not magical.








True, many treatments were first developed on animals.

Some people are changed by being a moderator. I wouldn't be.

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If we did not make as many life-saving advancements in our research there wouldnt be as half as many problems as there are atm. I think as we cure diseases, the viruses/bacteria will adapt and come back in a harder way to tackle than before. Plus, why cant we just let dieing life die? :| It sounds inhumane yes but the fact is if that was our attitude we wouldnt have half the population we have at the moment.








Population is the cause for global warming, pollution, and when there is a high population in certain religions there comes rivalry religions begin fighting each other more and more often. The world is overcrowded.... let people die at the same rate people are born.

world2isntthathardby4.pngI think merchanting is extinct....

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