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Course Catalog - WIP - Sketching/Brushing/Modeling


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This is for next years Course Catalog for my school. It has course descriptions for incoming freshman, and new students alike to help plan out their highschool career. This is the cover sketch, and the so-far work on it.








Let me know what you think. :)








































I zoomed up on the top half because I haven't even begun constructing the bottom half. Been working about 45minutes on this so far.




Sky is about halfway done. Mountains are just filled, nowhere close to finish; same with the grass and rocks. Text is about half done, I have to make the red part look all cracked and stuff, haven't gotten there yet. The brown extrusion on the letters is pretty much done, I might add some texture in there later on. All of these are basic brushes in PhotoshopCS, and the pen tool.
















The maze was modeled in Lightwave and took all of 15minutes... :lol: I'm not really happy with it though so I'm probably going to just brush the maze, and make it a little hazy. You get what you pay for right? Hopefully the depth of field will stress the focus on the JISD letters, because the whole idea is that it will help them through the maze. I don't know yet, whatever looks best when I get there. Give me your thoughts.












Be sure to ask any questions you have regarding style or execution, I'd be happy to fill you in.

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In illustrator, the tool I would use to do this would be the pen tool... Actually for the straight lines of the maze I would probably just use the line tool, but I can do that in PS as well... This is at a high enough resolution that it is the ideal size for print, so I'm just doing everything in PS.... Much easier and quicker for me.

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Threw this together...
















Maze needs texture, any ideas? I was going to do it like hedge style, but now I don't think I will, too much green... Right now I'm thinking plank style... any other ideas?

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blah... more junk and texture... soon as i get everything textured im gonna refine it...








usually what I do is throw on the base textures and everything, then detail it all.. so hopefully the sky/grass/maze will look alot better before its finished... but that's all for today folks...








edit - oops, didn't mean to post such a big pic.. ill give you the thumbnail though...
















That leads to a bigger res version... sorry, forgot to save the smaller one... the real image is like 2kx4k or something...

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