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rate or c/c PLEASE!


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hi, I started sig making today, and found it really fun. with the help from some people like rik on this forum I have improved my first Sig, which was blurred and rubbish into my sig now. So can you rate it, and tell me how to improve please. Oh, and please don't just view but post aswell. UNLESS your going to just insult me, or spam. thank you.








here it is
















and can you say what you think of it seeing as I've been a sig maker less than 24 hours please?

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You've already got a topic. :|








Besides, you haven't done anything. This is not a plain out insult, but you really haven't. It's a runescape picture with text. And what did you improve? You changed the font and text colour. :|




If you want to get any good reviews from a signature, try pixelling or doing abstracts.

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not much to comment on because it is just basicly a render on black and text. I do however like the "neatness" of it so good job with the placement. If you want to make some abstract sigs like everyone else does for their sigs then you should read the tutorials for them in the faq section. click here








edit: was too slow to post, sorry the stuff i posted is basicly a repeat of cad's post.

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