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Soon To be conbined, ABANDONED

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At around 10 past midnight, I achieved 65 strength! Inspired by how much oreocookie has done on his blog, and how little I have done on mine, I am gonna pull my socks up and start turning red -> yellow -> green. I'm going to start with hunter


*whistles at falcon*


Get that kebbit!

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Thanks, your friend poketama is quite wierd. She added me, telling me you wouldn't be coming back on, then said my hair smelled of tacos, and my feet of nachos. :roll:






Yeah, HE is like that sometimes ::' I told him that before I gave up on trying to reconnect again








BTW I'm back on time for the event! :XD:

Ultra Unholy,

Hearted Machine...

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I'm not in the mood to play runescape right now,


I was at the cinema with some friends, and we watched Norbit (AWESOME!) but then these chavs started following us around. We sat down, and they tried to pcik on us. They shoved my friend Lauren, and George told them not to touch her, so they gave him a black eye. It makes me wonder, what do they get out of it? I just don't get some people.

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Ohhh Andufus...grats on 60 hunter!!! =D>




Only 3 more levels and you can catch red hamsters!! :XD:




Keep at it, your levels are climbing up there nicely. Its great to read your blog, and see how well you are doing. <3:


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Ohhh Andufus...grats on 60 hunter!!! =D>




Only 3 more levels and you can catch red hamsters!! :XD:




Keep at it, your levels are climbing up there nicely. Its great to read your blog, and see how well you are doing. <3:




[kiddy voice]thank you shey[/kiddy voice]




Anyway, expect the front page to be updated today. With roman numerals and a new layout!

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