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a recipe for autumn-poem


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:oops: :oops: I no its a little out of date but then so am I. PLEASE POST COMMENTS!!!!!!!! O:) It is a poem but i couldn't get the layout right so it doesn't look like a poem.












A Recipe for Autumn








First take the two main ingredients




Cherished happiness and successful hard work




Grind to a pulp




With a pestle and mortar




Whilst adding the following ingredients in succession:




Half a cup of succulent gleaming horse chestnuts,




Two pints of brisk fierce wind (must be tempered before hand),




The rustic, blissful, exiting essence of a gorgeous, sumptuous Christmas pudding mixture




And the charming laughter of a child casting twenty pence pieces into it,




Two teaspoons of brandy (the finest no half measures)




And hot blackcurrant (strong for sore throats),




Six freshly harvested, ripe, sun kissed crab apples




And a selection of handpicked berries (any kind will do)




Now have it simmer slowly over the heat of a late September sunny spell




(this will bring out the flavour)




Whilst this is going on chop the rest of the ingredients:




A bag of indulgent sweets, caked in sugar from a frantic Halloween raid,




Two kilograms of leaves collected with children from your local park




In shades of;




Peaceful ochre (makes it satisfying),




Restless acid yellow (adds zing)




Smouldering orange (makes it surprisingly Moorish)




And majestic red (to balance everything else)




Continue to chop and sprinkle gently in:




A tablespoon of mud from a childÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s re-awakened Wellington boot,




The bird song from a love struck robin




(must be a male robin and therefore a red breasted robin, the darker the better),




The smell of a harmonious farm yard,




Each member striving to complete their various duties,




The feeling of exhaustion after a long walk




( must be a walk you reluctantly agreed to go on but felt strangely pleased you did afterwards),




The sound of chattering teeth




And the warmth of anotherÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s smile




Now combine with the other mixture and sieve




Allowing the juices to mingle like the memories from September, October and November




This mixture should now be a soft inviting colour that canÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t quite be categorised with other regular colours




Finally place this mixture over a raging Guy Fawkes bonfire heat for a whole night




In the morning garnish with light rain and sparklers from you know when




Serve with hot buttered toast and cocoa in the evening




Nothing left to do but shout dinner time
















what do you think please post!!!!!!!

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I think it got better and better as I continued reading. I LOVE the following lines (they're my favourite and I think the most creative and fun)












A tablespoon of mud from a childÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s re-awakened Wellington boot,




The bird song from a love struck robin




The feeling of exhaustion after a long walk




( must be a walk you reluctantly agreed to go on but felt strangely pleased you did afterwards),




Allowing the juices to mingle like the memories from September, October and November




Finally place this mixture over a raging Guy [bleep] bonfire heat for a whole night




In the morning garnish with light rain and sparklers from you know when




Serve with hot buttered toast and cocoa in the evening




Nothing left to do but shout dinner time












=D> =D> It's a bit mixed up and I think a more structured rhythm might work well... but it's so fun to read I found myself ignoring that as I read! It's really great, maybe you should do another for summer and winter and spring or something? =D> =D>

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=D> =D> It's a bit mixed up and I think a more structured rhythm might work well... but it's so fun to read I found myself ignoring that as I read! It's really great, maybe you should do another for summer and winter and spring or something? =D> =D>








I don't think I'll do another poem a while, but i'm glad you liked it

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I think it might be better on some lines if you took out the little bits added after in parentheses.








Sorry I'm so ignorant what's parentheses????




Thankyou for the lovely comment it was really nice to see

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Sorry I'm so ignorant what's parentheses????








Parenthesis - the extra parts added to the sentences, the bits in the brackets.








(Parenthesis British spelling/Parentheses American spelling or plural of parenthesis)


The Poison Fairy

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Parenthesis - the extra parts added to the sentences, the bits in the brackets.








(Parenthesis British spelling/Parentheses American spelling or plural of parenthesis)








Thankyou SuziAngel ::' . Yeah I get what you mean (deiphobus) I sometimes don't know when to stop when i'm describing things.

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its really good, and adds zing made me laugh








Thankyou!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! everyone one for really great, helpful comments. :D :D :D . I really love getting constructive yet postive feedback. :thumbsup:

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Hm Lee I suggest you do one for summer, spring and winter. ::'








Maybe. What does "Hm" mean. I'm gonna go and comment on your thread now!!! :D








YAY! Hm means... well it's not shorthand or anything, it's literally short for 'hmmm' the sounds you make when you're thinking hard.

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Hm Lee I suggest you do one for summer, spring and winter. ::'








Maybe. What does "Hm" mean. I'm gonna go and comment on your thread now!!! :D








YAY! Hm means... well it's not shorthand or anything, it's literally short for 'hmmm' the sounds you make when you're thinking hard.








Thankyou issy!!! I was a little confused. ::'

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Np. (That stands for no problem) c/c stands for compliments/criticism, and 'brb' means be right back. Just a few abbreviations you might want to know! ::'

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thats nice. I like how the season comes alive with all of those warm discriptive words. As probably suggested above, work on structure a little, but other than that, I heard, smelt and felt autumn, and liked it :)








YaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaY!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:








thanyou for all comments, the structure is not on my list of priorities at the present moment but i will resolve to improve it ASAP

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  • 2 weeks later...
you can expect a spring poem soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




any suggestions ??? :D








holy macaroni (*cough*suziangel*cough*) i'll think about it








how about... just a few phrases don't feel obliged to use them :D




the warm soft rain and flooding sunlight




mix with ripened blackberries, discarded Wellies and the playful woof of a newborn pup




Sprinkle in thunder and lightning for extra bark and bite (lol i love that bit!!! ::' )




And the pink and white flowers you gave your mum on Mother's Day

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