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Any guides?




Any world you recommend.....




Any teams out there....




Is it a fun game....




Is it good for food?








All positive comments welcome... =D>




you bitter ones can go see Murphy's crab cave....permanently :boohoo:

Treat all in game runescape conversations as if the person was right in front of you. Alot of people saying noob would be seeing their dentist....beleive me.

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yes it does....but if your solo and have no friends








what world do i go to?









Treat all in game runescape conversations as if the person was right in front of you. Alot of people saying noob would be seeing their dentist....beleive me.

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Just worldhop a bunch or, even better, make a post on the official forums looking for a team. One should show up soon enough. Try to make it a permanent team so you don't have to go looking everytime you wanna play it.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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(the no friends part was sympathetic sarcasm---so someone would play with me....my 4 onlibe buds think fish trawl game is nubish) BUT I WANT TO PLAY IT!

















Treat all in game runescape conversations as if the person was right in front of you. Alot of people saying noob would be seeing their dentist....beleive me.

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