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Stat drain Help


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Hey, I'm new to member once again (was a member once before in 2005) I started the quest with the Zorge and their attack caused me loosing combat stat points all the time, how do I cure this? It might be easy, but I don't know, I have tried all kind of potions.









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Yea, a stat restore potion should do the job. I also think there's a potion that cures the disease which they've given you.








But the easiest way to do it is to put all your stuff in the bank and die. Bada-bing bada-boom, all done.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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But the easiest way to do it is to put all your stuff in the bank and die. Bada-bing bada-boom, all done.








Yes probably, thanks for the idea mate..

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S'what I do! I use the Lumbridge Caves (shortcut through the Lumbridge basement). Go in without a light source and you'll die pretty quick. You could also: fight a tough monster; go into a crowded PKing spot; eat a bunch of rock cakes (from Gu'Tanoth); uh... get attacked by a swarm (improbable though). Lots of ways to die.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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