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I ask for help on forum, cuz i couldnt find answer anywhere...




So, my account has been disabled ( :/ ). I apologised for braking RS rules. Now there is blue text 'apology made'. There is also 'Last chance appeal', but it is still pending.




I have 10 blackmarks and I wonder if I will be able to play on my character. If so - when? I heard that blackmarks disappear after 6 month, but dunno if its true. Will Jagex enable my account after 6 months, when blackmarks disappear, or when they only accept (i hope they will :]) 'last chance...'?

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those black marks are like ur markes out of ten but in this test if u get perfect u pay penalty and if u get zero u dont pay penalty!!!








NOw u have 10/10 so u pay penalty of ur account(ur life) being banned(dead)

????ClAn????wHaT iS iT???

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I don't think they will just go away after 6 months, although you might get unbanned from your appeal. I've had 1 blackmark before, but was removed after a certain amount of time (Don't know how long, because I just recently checked to be surprised that it was gone)









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How on earth did you manage to get 10 black marks?








I've been playing for 5 years and have zero!








I don't mean to sound nasty... but why didn't you learn a lesson after say, the 8th one?... then it would never have come to this?

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......Your account has been disabled




Please check your message-centre for details




















aaah the most welcoming log in message[/b]

Your name is "bet you fail", and you're starting a business with your mom? I'm not even going to touch that.....
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you can chek at the appeal a offence think at main page and i think they never go away =( thoug i got none =) i had 10 first for 2 things i did not done but i could apeal and explain what i meant with my words (they thought is said i was jagex and wanted his pas but i said i reported him for stealing passes and said jagex would do with my report what they wanted)

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you must move on, i apealed my ban and waited 1 year - no answer... Nothing complete nothing....I moved on creatiung new acciount, i learned my lesson, i hope you learn yours....

The clock is ticking, and your time is running out, mortals.

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