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500k NON Pixel Sig Contest.


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Im willing to pay 500k for a NON pixel art sig. NO PIXEL ART CRAP :P




I guess u can say this is a contest?It will end 1 week from today.




So post ur work and ill pick my favorite :)








I want it to say Minerskater , I want it to say 99 Fletching , And i want Garfield to be in it sumhow :) Cuz we all know Garfield is DA MAN!








All the colors,designs, etc... is up to the artist :P




Best sig wins? O.o Hope sumone enters this.... 8)

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Guest Deximus

Well Here is my Try, i Tried an absract background with a simple garlfield pic




Can add linework if you would like

















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you dont seem to happy with them.. what would you like changed.. added.. remade.. different colours.. different text?




Well to be honest the BG and the Garfield pic inst to hot.I love Garfys lil smirks but that one is just a lil to big lol :P








Insomnaic, Thats freaking awsome :D
















DOUBLE POST! EEEEEKKKKK ! Have mercy no ban Minerskater :(

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8) I love the results, and i hope you do to. :P








Very very nice kngkyle, love it, one of my fav sigs, great job!








Looking nice insom, really liking it to, Great job.








Some stiff competition going on here.









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