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~*When shud I do it?!*~


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when you get 43+ prayer, 60+ mage/range, good agil (for running) and high defence and hp (65+)

Back by popular demand!

And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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I did monkey madness at lvl 70. I had 43 prayer, not sure about att str & def not that high tho. Monkey madness isn't really that hard. Just make sure you take plenty of antis and plenty of prayer pots. Sharks wouldn't go astray either. When vs'ing the demon run to the bridge that runs around the arnea and range/mage it from there. Making sure you keep mage protect on and don't run out of prayer (p pots can work here :lol: )

Main Account - Max cape achieved 10th September 2011
Noob Account - 2300 total and climbing 


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when you get 43+ prayer, 60+ mage/range, good agil (for running) and high defence and hp (65+)








No! Sorry just no. I had lvl 45 range when i did it. Defence really isn't needed if you have some prayer pots.

Main Account - Max cape achieved 10th September 2011
Noob Account - 2300 total and climbing 


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Why do you need range for? I was 31 range and did it fine (77 combat I think).








I just let the gnomes do most of the damage, and went in at the end (took a few big 30 hits though when the demon changes attacks).








All you really need is 43 prayer and prayer pots.

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