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Pixel Sig Contest (450k)


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omg i think we all agree timmy1 is annoying.. he goes in EVRY SINGLE sig thread and posts his "pixelated"sigs even if theyre nothing to do with what the buyer wants..




i.e. this guy aska for range.. timmy puts sum guy punchin..sum guymagic..sum guy playin golf! :S !!!.. adn a mage

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Well, I cant finish it tonight, but I can show you what I have right now, and post my ideas about it..












Thats what I have right now..




Its supposed to be a ranger (you) using a huge catapult, to fire rune arrows at unsuspecting miners.








I will add one or 2 miners which are actually still mining..




I was planning on adding the line: "Bows? Who needs bows?" Under your name..








I also planned to add a camel atthe other side of the mine, jsut some extra details.. Will probably also add some tubleweed stuff..












Like the idea?




Remember, this is just the main build, its not detailed whatsoever yet..

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I kinda like the idea, but the characters are too small... and i do prefer bows other then a catapult because its runescape, so you can have me ranging miners with bow, that'd be cool. the cactus is bigger then the ranger? the rocks arent painted so it looks like birds sittin there or somthin... scorpion dosent look real enough :| maybe its cause its small...




I dunno ill might like it when your done with it.

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