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my newest sig (pretty good)


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The guy lying on the ground looks like he had a major bladder problem.








The text is really bad.




The shading and details are really plain, and the shapes look all crumpled.








Sorry, but its not very good in my opinion. But its a start :)

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At the moment the armour doesn't look all that protective on the standing person. Try for a smoother, more solid shape to it, as plate mail doesn't really follow the contours of someone's skin. The shoulder protectors should appear to protect more from above than from in front, and, as a rule, the armour in general should have a lot more emphasis on the left (traditionally the side which is more likely to be struck).








If realism isn't your thing, that's fine. I'm just a bit of a stickler for realism as far as armour is concerned.








Oh, and try to remove the bit at the top of the helmet. Helmets are designed to make blows glance off, and the decoration above would be more likely to catch hits than anything else.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i havent looked at this pos tin awhile but i just saw it form lookin for sumtin else and the "decoration" on his helmet it suppose to be a halo u know "lets have a moment of silence" he suppose to be liek an angel typ eof thing ya haha i know....








anyway ive made a few more sigs and theve gotten way better

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