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Barrows? Is it for me?


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There are my stats as you can see. I've done barrows a few times before, but never really had much luck (actually I think once my inventory was too full and it ended up on the ground and I teleported before I could pick it up... I hadn't seen it until I teleported... gah...). Well anyway, I was just wondering if you think barrows would be a good way for me to earn money, or would just waste it. I currently have 50k cash, 2k minds and 50 deaths. I would PC to get some cash, or sell something, and buy some deaths (probably about 500-1k). I really just want to make some decent money, I don't want to merchant, and I don't want to do anything else boring. So if you think I should go ahead and do barrows, then just tell me that, and even better, if you have a link to a good guide, you could stick that in there too. Thanks!

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If you go there good things will transpire.

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Yes, there are many good guides to barrows at the archive of wisdom. And yes, you could definitely do well at barrows with your stats.


Noted raw mackerel drop... Wtfh?

Always buying: Watermelon seeds, 2K each. Strawberry seeds, 800 each. Contact Via PM on forums.

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You'll do quite well! It'll be a great money maker for you. Using slayer dart, you'll only use about 100 casts per trip if you mage 5 out the 6 brothers. If you manage your time and prayer well, you'll make it through using only a few sips of your pots. I'm only 48 prayer and at most I use one full pot, and that's if Ahrim or Karil is in the tunnel. If not, 0-2 sips.








Get your kill count somewhere between 10-30 to hopefully get a payback on your runes. Anything above 30, as noted by Leesters, isn't very significant and can waste time. Goooooood luck!


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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