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Pixel Man v1 (INCOMPLETE!)


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The start of my first pixel sig, ever.




I've almost finished the main part (the hooded guy) of the sig, next is to add background and other simple stuff.








I know how much it sucks, and it would probably look better if i just made a bunch of small, simple shapes instead of a detailed and shaded face.. But i just wanted to challenge myself :)












Currently working on:




-Eye details




-Hair and Facial Hair (includes eyebrows)




-Background (duh ;))












Tell me what you think of it, what needs to be improved and which robe is better. Also, if you have any ideas for the background, I'd love to hear it! :D

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Looks good. Decided to try some pixel eh? Always good to learn something new, right?








The guy looks good, especially for a first try.




The only thing I can really crit on right now, is the hood. It might look a bit better if it was pulled forward a bit, I think that might look better.




I cant crit the eyes as of now, as you said you are still working on it.








Good work, cant wait to see the end result :)

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looks great! only thing i pitty is thaat you brushed the higlights..? (correct me if im wrong, it noticed when i saw the left guys outline cheek








edit: forgot something




uhm try making either a dark inside place, or a dark woody place as background, and ofcourse the right guy looks best .. hooded people moste of the time have a darker robe.. unless there from a certain rl clan that i hate

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looks great! only thing i pitty is thaat you brushed the higlights..? (correct me if im wrong, it noticed when i saw the left guys outline cheek








edit: forgot something




uhm try making either a dark inside place, or a dark woody place as background, and ofcourse the right guy looks best .. hooded people moste of the time have a darker robe.. unless there from a certain rl clan that i hate




Ah yes, thanks for pointing that out. I've not fixed it, aswell as a couple other errors.




For my shading, i just use pencil tool at 1-3px, shade a bit and blur it, then fool around with layer modes, masks and opacity. I try to do more realistic shading than just a horizontal/verticle gradient kind of shading.








And i see what you mean by the white cloak thing, it didn't strike me till now :? My plan was a good vs evil kind of thing, the dark robes being similar to dark wizards and the white ones being similar to druids.








Thanks for the comments/crits though :D

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But if that is a rough draft of your sig or something, I would try to change one from the other, because right now you just copy and pasted one, and recolored the hood.




Wow, brilliant observation :roll: If you read my post, you'd notice i was trying to get an idea of which robe colour people like best... Not which person people liked the best, since they are the same.

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The two men, look more like women to me. Perhaps you should decrease the size of the forehead, and make the mouth smaller, and widen the face a bit.








Though I'm sure it will look better once you become closer to completing it.

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