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Where to mine...


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Hey guys,




I have a REALLY low mining level and i want to get it up quite a bit.




Now before you start posting, just know that I HAVE browsed through the Player Made Guides and the AoW. Couldnt find much at all, if not none.




I've also checked the tip.it Mining guides. According to this, I should mine iron till level 60 at the mines near Varrock. I personally don't like this method very much but if it is best, please tell me.




Advice would be greatly appreciated




P.S. My mining is 35 or so and that is pretty bad for my combat level (level 55)




*Flamable 20 8-)

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Most people who mine the 3 iron rocks in Al Kharid drop their ores. It's called powermining. You don't keep any of the iron, but you get your mining level much faster. There are essentially two methods to powerming.








1) Mine all three rocks once, then drop the 3 ores you just got. By the time you're done dropping, the rocks should have respawned. Repeat.








2) Mine a full load, and then drop 'em all. Repeat.








Personally I like the first method best. And if you're going to keep your iron ores (assuming your F2P), then mine at either of Varrock's mines. Find a high populated world with few people at the rocks.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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Two rocks are plenty: if you want to bank them, west varrock works: if you don't care about that and just want levels: al-kharid three iron rocks.


Noted raw mackerel drop... Wtfh?

Always buying: Watermelon seeds, 2K each. Strawberry seeds, 800 each. Contact Via PM on forums.

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