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Ok you can now have a runecrafting alter in your garden though it does cost alot








note these are rooms that look exactly like the alter but no talisman and it doesent take you anywhere when you leave








new rcing room! 52 construction








air alter - 1 marble block 10k airs(no staff) 52 con




mind alter - 1 marble block 10k airs 55 con




water alter - 1 marble block 10k waters (no staff) 57 con




earth alter - 1 marble block 10k earths (no staff) 60 con




fire alter - 1 marble block 10k fires (no staff) 62 con




body alter - 1 marble block 10k bodies 65 con




cosmic alter - 2 marble block 10k cosmic 67 con (must have done lost city)




chaos alter - 2 marble blocks 10k chaos 70 con




astral alter - marble blocks 10k astral 72 con (must have done lunar dip)




nature alter - 2 marble block 10k nature 74 con




law alter - 2 marble blocks 10k laws 77 con (must have done troll strong)




death alter - 2 marble blocks 10k death 79 con (must have done MEP2)












Farming patches








At level 60 construction you can build your very own farm!








Allotment patch - 60 con - 5 buckets of super compost








Flower patch - 62 con - 10 buckets of super compost








Hops patch - 65 con - 13 buckets of super compost








Herb patch - 67 con - 15 buckets of super compost








Bush patch - 70 con - 17 buckets of super compost








Tree patch - 72 con - 18 buckets of super compost








Fruit tree patch - 75 con - 19 buckets of super compost








Special patch - 80 con - 25 buckets of super compost









































Your name is "bet you fail", and you're starting a business with your mom? I'm not even going to touch that.....
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well i'm gonna defer from the RC altar idea.








This makes rcing to easy, and would dramatically lower deaths, laws, chaos and nats. All you need is a portal room and a ton of house tablets and you've got incredibly easy rcing, without fear of being pked or such. But i do like how you took note of this by making a large requirement to make the altar..








Farming patches i'm fine with however..but just allotments, flowers and hops, none of the other things, farming can't be TOOOOO easy can it? :XD:

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That would definitely make runecrafting wayy too easy, especially since you can get your servants to run to the bank for you also. If the price goes down any more, rcers will be ruined.





overall-1.png: 1437 combat.png: 173
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No offencem but I'll have to agree, all thoes who got 99 RC in the old days would have done it in vein. As I would say it's without a doubt of the most boring skills to level considering it's speed and ammount of walking, I think it was meant to be that way. Runes should stay -somewhat- hard to craft, even if new techniques come out, they should be released slowly, as to not upset the old Runecrafter's glory.








Farming on the other hand...well...I can see that, the time waited would be the same, and there are teleportation places to almost everywhere ehere there is a plot, so why not.












RC - I'll have to say no.




Farming - Sure, why not :)

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Runecrafting room: Interesting idea, but too easy to get...either only allow the f2p runecrafting altars and/or use the Magic building stone instead of marble blocks, with some gold leaf thrown in for good measure.








Farming 'room':I'll have to agree with Dalcyte on this one...only have the base patches in the 'room'








Otherwise, this is a pretty good idea that just needs some tweaking.



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both noobish idees cuz butlers will unnote the ess for you... :roll:












the butler kost 2k a trip thats 10k cheaper then normal runners...








and its way easyer to tale home tabs then walking trougth the abbys...
















the patches can be more expensive, and it will be a but too many herb patches... another herb patch for just 15k! what will the perfect skiller be then? 24 herb patches? :XD: count the profit... i get 20k+ profit per ranarr in 90min... thats 320k an hour for free...








and dont start about mining, smithing, fishing etc...








already calculated that even with 5k ores for 1 rock is overpowered...








and jagex doesnt want ppl to stay in there home fopr ever... easy macroing when you have a butler that banks all goodies


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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