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buying a firemaking/woodcutting..both in same sig




make it look cool




offering 500k to start with, if its good enough i will offer more
















also i want it him to wear guthix trimmed armor..keep the med on :P




want it in an open area with a few magic trees near by..




maybe the magic trees could be alive or something like 1 of those talking trees.












102+ combat




80+ firemaking





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So far, my idea is he's gonna be making the fire, and the tree behind him has just turned into a ent (evil alive tree thingy) which has loads of cut marks in it from his axe and so the ent wants revenge :P , bg will be lots of magic trees..








Anything you want changed/added? Thanks, also pixel sigs take a long time so this may probally be finished by tonight.








NOTE: This is only a draft, there is no shading and I haven't neatened up everything.

Lowgravity, I want to be just like you. But...I never will be as 1337 as you. :(
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actually, I take that back :) I'm takin a break from mario sigs, ill get on this one :)








EDIT:: srry i can't really get anything going.


[Admin Edit: Religious text Not permitted]

~108 combat~

5.9k dusties killed / dragon chain :D

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