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Alggg! Havent visited your blog in way too long, i left blogscape out during two years, feels like an eternity...


I realise how i dont talk to friends often enough, not as often as they deserve. You're awesome Alg, never forget that! :thumbsup:


I miss you :( <3






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you may not remember me..


but i used to play.


my account name was onyx ski and loving brah.


i feel like a gayfish saying this. lol.


bye. good luck kill babies. or mice. or whatever the new stuff [bleep]ex has come out with.

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And now for something that's hopefully interesting.


"Mask" is the name I've been using because it's meaningful. Especially here on the internet, where we all hide behind a persona that's entirely different from our actual selves.


However, we do this in reality too. Think about how you behave with others, especially if you have several personas for several groups. Now think about your internet persona. Now think about your actual beliefs, thought processes, et cetera. Which are the most similar?


For many people, the result seems to be that their internet persona more closely follows their actual beliefs. So, when plunged into a world of faceless strangers, is the mask that we've all had to create our actual selves? When, then, do we wear the mask, in face to face conversation, or behind out online identities?


I seem to have lost my train of thought there. If I remember the rest, I'll post it.


Hopefully that was coherent and at least somewhat interesting. It's not a story about romance, but it'll have to do.


That said, I know that there's a low-level pure with the RuneScape name "Mask" and I do wish he'd either start playing again or give up the name.

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And now for something that's hopefully interesting.


"Mask" is the name I've been using because it's meaningful. Especially here on the internet, where we all hide behind a persona that's entirely different from our actual selves.


However, we do this in reality too. Think about how you behave with others, especially if you have several personas for several groups. Now think about your internet persona. Now think about your actual beliefs, thought processes, et cetera. Which are the most similar?


For many people, the result seems to be that their internet persona more closely follows their actual beliefs. So, when plunged into a world of faceless strangers, is the mask that we've all had to create our actual selves? When, then, do we wear the mask, in face to face conversation, or behind out online identities?


I seem to have lost my train of thought there. If I remember the rest, I'll post it.


Hopefully that was coherent and at least somewhat interesting. It's not a story about romance, but it'll have to do.


That said, I know that there's a low-level pure with the RuneScape name "Mask" and I do wish he'd either start playing again or give up the name.


I tend to be a little more brash online, but that's about the only difference. I'm very argumentative and condescending in person, but I make more of an effort to be nice, so to speak. I don't really hold myself back in the same way online. Other than that, it's nice that I can use my blog as an actual blog on TIF. I can't do that with any other blogging medium because I don't like when my IRL friends (other than my very best friends) read about it, but the input of total strangers isn't really appealing, either. On TIF I have a lot of friends who enjoy reading my stories and who have no connections to my IRL friends, so it lets me be very open with what I say. It's very therapeutic, actually.


EDIT: In regards to internet personas, I really do feel like my name is Obtaurian. I am Obtaurian. That's who I am. I hate my original RSN, and I cycled through a few names before I found this one, and I would never, ever change it. It's perfect.

To put it bluntly, [bleep] off.

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Okay, as of this post I'm no longer a mod. It was my own choice and there's really no need to go into the detail as to why. I've got a week to go back to it should I choose to.


So that's 7 days of my willpower being tested. I actually liked being a mod, I just hate the way Jagex handles things. So my main goal is to last to at least February, so that I can use the fact that they need all the mods they can get as an excuse to... Wait. I probably shouldn't have said that. Damn it.

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