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People are too picky these days...


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They get mad if you play too much rap, but the moment you play a rock/techno/punk rock/etc song they complain, well some do anyways. They basically only agree on oldies and the Cha Cha Slide.








I'm DJ'ing private parties from now on. <.<


Me doing staff.

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I remember DJ'ing weddings and school dances, the school dances were more fun by far. Kids don't complain as much. Weddings are horrible, with all the drunk white trash around here. The last gig I did I was getting death threats from the 70 year old grandfather of the bride. Half of the wedding is easier than a normal gig, during the hour or more for dinner just put on some light music, don't even need to change the CD. Then there is the wedding favourites, like Electric Slide, Locomotion, and of course the Chicken Dance. That takes up a good amount of time.








What have you been DJ'ing?



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I remember DJ'ing weddings and school dances, the school dances were more fun by far. Kids don't complain as much. Weddings are horrible, with all the drunk white trash around here. The last gig I did I was getting death threats from the 70 year old grandfather of the bride. Half of the wedding is easier than a normal gig, during the hour or more for dinner just put on some light music, don't even need to change the CD. Then there is the wedding favourites, like Electric Slide, Locomotion, and of course the Chicken Dance. That takes up a good amount of time.








What have you been DJ'ing?








School dances. But my school's population is like 50/50 black/white. So there's alot of complaining from either side if you don't play what they want.








I prefer gigs where it's about having fun, not what you play, which is why I enjoy clubs and private events. Actually, at private events I don't even have to bother getting music, it's supplied for me, which is great. :D








On top of that I still need a better amp and another tabletop CD player, which is like $300, which I don't have yet... <.<


Me doing staff.

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I live in a 99% white area, I still had to play a good amount of rap and also rock, but mostly at school dances I played pop music. Kids didn't even care if it was good to dance to.








I only played two gigs other than school dances or weddings, one was a girls 16 year birthday party. That was fun and easy, it was just in her back yard so it was laid back and casual. If they could all be like that it would be great :P . The other one was a party celebrating someones 30th year in real estate. It was a very high class formal event, with every snob within 15 miles attending. Didn't turn out all that bad, so overall I'll agree with you, private is a lot better :D .



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just play rock, they will all eventually convert :twisted:

Back by popular demand!

And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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Lol guess it depends on where you play. My boyfriend DJs (vinyl, just for the record, ha pun) but only at "Urban" clubs and bars, hence he knows what he has to play to get a good response. Ahh well, just keep at private functions I guess, otherwise I'd ignore them, you're just trying to play something for everyone.



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Be honest, are you DJing or CDJing?








If by CDJing you mean just playing already made music, with little to no additions then that is what I did. The only thing I ever really changed was volume level, have two CD players and blend the songs together with a fade on one and rise in the other. Other than that in a song where everyone is singing along, hold up the mike and fade out the music during the main chorus or whatever and everyone knows to keep on singing.








But yeah that was the extent of what I did. I really got lazy once we started using mp3s on the computer, I'd make the playlist at the beginning of the night and barely have to do anything else :P .



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I really got lazy once we started using mp3s on the computer, I'd make the playlist at the beginning of the night and barely have to do anything else :P .








Oh hell yeah, I do those all the time on my iPod for big family parties or friend's parties. I just plug the iPod into a speaker system and enjoy the party. I try and include enough stuff to get people going but I have an eclectic taste, so i'll often try and slip in a few more obscure tracks, which sometimes go down well and sometimes don't.








Although it seems lazy I do actually spend a lot of effort trying to choose the right songs for the right occasion and get the order right so you have the general pop/rock stuff at the beginning leading into better songs to dance to leading to more romantic stuff.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Be honest, are you DJing or CDJing?








If by CDJing you mean just playing already made music, with little to no additions then that is what I did. The only thing I ever really changed was volume level, have two CD players and blend the songs together with a fade on one and rise in the other. Other than that in a song where everyone is singing along, hold up the mike and fade out the music during the main chorus or whatever and everyone knows to keep on singing.








But yeah that was the extent of what I did. I really got lazy once we started using mp3s on the computer, I'd make the playlist at the beginning of the night and barely have to do anything else :P .








Heh, fair play :P




I really don't want to knock you or Viktor (if he's the same as you) for this, but saying you DJ when you clearly don't annoys me a bit. Only because I really admire the way some DJs scratch and turn on their decks, it's really bamboozling.

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Heh, fair play :P




I really don't want to knock you or Viktor (if he's the same as you) for this, but saying you DJ when you clearly don't annoys me a bit. Only because I really admire the way some DJs scratch and turn on their decks, it's really bamboozling.








That's just what it's called around here because we don't have any real DJs, I live out pretty far in nowheresville.



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Be honest, are you DJing or CDJing?








CDJ'ing. I have 2 tabletop CD players which don't have the ability to scratch, they are the lowest model so they can only speed up and slow down the music (but they were also the cheapest). Then fade it together with a mixer.


Me doing staff.

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Be honest, are you DJing or CDJing?








CDJ'ing. I have 2 tabletop CD players which don't have the ability to scratch, they are the lowest model so they can only speed up and slow down the music (but they were also the cheapest). Then fade it together with a mixer.








What make are they out of interest?



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Be honest, are you DJing or CDJing?








CDJ'ing. I have 2 tabletop CD players which don't have the ability to scratch, they are the lowest model so they can only speed up and slow down the music (but they were also the cheapest). Then fade it together with a mixer.








What make are they out of interest?








Gemini CDJ-02








American DJ Q-Spand


Me doing staff.

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