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I made my pixel sig better (I hope...)

Guest 1_Hit_Quit

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Thats a lot of improvement. Very good!! I remember my first pixel sucked real bad, I kept adding more and more to it and I think it looks good now. Conclucion: great improvements, keep fixing it, always room for improvement :P

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er...maybe just a bit darkeld 8)








the new tree looks soooo much better thats awesome work :D




the sky need ssome work - maybe one day ill work on mine some more








started as this:

























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Ah here we go I found it. This is what the character in my sig was originaly suppose to look like, (my first attempt)




















Major improvement would'nt you say? ;)




i remember that you had great back ground and this weird person slabbed on top

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1_hit_quit here's my progress:




























and it turned to my current sig, I couldn't find some steps in between. What I',m trying to say is your doing awesome and I see major progress turning out. Keep it up.

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shoulda just made the guy in sara armour with diff face, he owned








I decided to save the armor for a more special sig :wink: plus full sara armor just didnt go well with a karamja backround. And while I'm posting let me make a suggestion. Try to draw a person like a gnome or something to your sig (if it looks bad dont save it) I'd like to see that from you.

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Guest 1_Hit_Quit

pixeling takes too much time...












Its getting too popular now and theres really only like 3 people who make good money selling them, and most people will buy from them... Pixels are getting too common for me to start doing now... Ill stick to what I know I can do easier lol

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I just do pixels for fun not for money, but yes im entering contest and hopefuly will open a shop in the future and make a little money. If you don't like making them you should'nt do it cause your right people will only buy from the pro's cough misterxman,, ranshadow, blazer, cough cough. A lot of people still buy from ather pixelers though

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Guest 1_Hit_Quit

Can you believe I lost to a chromed background after randomly using gradients, lol...




















It clash's the colors lol... It sucks but good job... i give it a 5/10 It's what he wanted I guess, I wouldent use it though... Cough cough not to rag but Gradients suck =\












I lost with this...









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