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    Runescape, gaming.

RuneScape Information

  1. MattMcDade


    I used to like the ones like the Mime and the Sargeant and the Frog bewcause you got a costume, but after I got the costumes...well they just annoy me :evil:
  2. For me to quit Runescape, JaGex would have to completely re-do the map, the npc's, and all that. So they'd pretty much have change the game so it was absoulutly 100% different then when I started playing.
  3. I only like the ones like Mime, Lederhose guy, and Drill Sargeant, where you get emotes or clothes. I could really give a crap less if Prison Pete gives me an Uncut Sapphire :evil:
  4. 99 (Woop woop!) or 31 (I seriously don't go there for house parties, I started going there before houses even came out.
  5. A long time ago me and my friends started a clan called the Kez dispensers, nobody ever go's on the chat anymore (this was around Halloween '07) and we all have Kez in front of our name, mines Kez Low. lol, we were stupid.
  6. I started playing Runescape way way back when i was 8. I handled it fine. the parents probably think the kid can't handle LOTR, when he/she probably can.
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