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  1. 1: sue kitsu 2: magictv 3: brad25891
  2. Everyone used this back in RSC. You're pray would go down then though, just much slower.
  3. You can stand at any blockcade, and just do rune thrownaxe spec. It does a chain hit so will hit all of them. You still need two people to get through the first door though.
  4. Inside the monkey city, but towards the south over a bridge. There is any agility symbol on the minimap where you climb a tree up to it.
  5. possible that noone have done the monkey part? I finished that part a while ago. You need a red banana and special nuts too. You get the banana by becoming a big gorilla, then using a rope with the red banana tree. You get the special nuts by becoming a ninja monkey then going through the monkey agility course. Once you have them both, you use a pestle and mortar on the nuts, and a knife on the banana, and use them both with the dead snake. To cook it, you have to become a zombie monkey, and go through a crevice in the cave under the temple. You then walk across some hot rocks and cook it on a large stone. Can anyone help me out with a rough guide to the ogre part?
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