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Adrenaline Vs Rohawks 12 v 12 mini war for tipit rank #3


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Adrenaline VS Rohawks



we'll it was around 5 pm est and i was around lookin for wars and so i approached Sakura for a thirty minute prep 12 v 12, she gladly accepted and she also asked it to be for our tipit rank #3, so i gladly agreed to defend our rank :lol:.








Adr starting 12 (36 opts)






i dident manage to get Rh's starting but they pulled 10 unfortunately so it was a 12 v 10.


so when the fight started we started off with blaze five who tanked great btw while RH took Almighty kin first.


or snipers were doing a great job to subdue and impede their binders. adr had control over most of the fight. great tanking by sp4z archer (magey). and daz archer lagged out half way when he got piled so he was k0ed.










Good fight RH now our war history with you is 4:4 lol





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It was a good fight but you might want to point out that it was 12 v 10 as we had several people log off before the war.




Also I am a guy not a girl so I would appreciate Haoshu if you would remember that I am not a girl. GF Nonetheless though expect us to fight you once again.




@DBZ We fight Adrenaline on a daily basis so we figured why not fight for the TWR and get some activity going here.

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