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The leaving Tip.It sticky/allowing good-bye threads...


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I think there should be one for Off-Topic. I think it might be a really good idea to be fair to everyone. Here are the reasons why:




- OT has a very different community then General, and the more common OT posters might want to be specifically remembered by the people that like to generally hang out in OT more than General


- People who tend to use OT more usually don't make a trend of checking the leaving Tip.It sticky in General board.


- The sticky itself isn't necessarily related to RuneScape, though the original sticky could also stay in General. Some say this might pose a convenience problem, but I say it's the best we can do to ensure the communities of both boards get remembered.


- It would ensure no more topics in OT pertaining to people leaving, which aren't allowed.




Thanks for reading.

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Hm, I don't get why they don't allow stuff like Bubsa's indirect leaving letter. (Although that's technically ban evading, but it serves as a point.) No one would care whatsoever if they posted in the sticky, as barely anyone checks it and especially not OT people. I don't see what's wrong with the occasional goodbye thread from well-known posters. It's not like they leave weekly.


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Definitely No - I have to disagree. Generally the people who post threads about leaving on OT are important people to that forum. Unlike General boards where they think that because they have a post count of 30 everyone knows them and will be upset about their departure from these boards.




On OT I much prefer seeing the odd thread (which we do) about certain people leaving who practically the whole of OT would generally know, then missing their departure because they've had to leave a post in the "leaving stick on OT" which after a month of being up no one will visit, because of inactivity of the thread and people forgetting.




But then you might say, what about the people who post a leaving thread on OT when they're barely known. Well firstly that hardly ever happens. People with low post counts around TIF generally don't post on OT (in fact its a rarity) you'd find them more often posting on the General boards and therefore if they leave they'd post their leaving post on the sticky there. And secondly it's a whole lot better for OT if a mod has to lock a thread because someone has posted a leaving thread and they aren't even know to the OT community than someone important leaving and having there thread locked because a rule is a rule and now we've got a sticky in place for people leaving (even though certain OT'ers leaving could spark a thread in excess of 5 pages).




Please, leave it how it is, it's the best how it is at the moment, and allows people who are important to the OT community to post their good - byes if they decide to leave. And plus its not like OT is that active that its going to cause problems having these threads exist (which is proven from what's been happening up till now).






edit: I'm of the belief that good-bye threads are allowed on OT? If it's not then that rule definitely has to change, considering a useless thread about nothing is allowed on OT which can spark a thread no more than 2 pages long, though someone important leaving can spark a good - bye thread from them which is above 5 pages long. And plus OT isn't like the General Boards - we rarely get the people with post counts under 300 posting their good - byes on OT (I'd place money on many of those types of posters not even knowing that there is a OT in the first place). A bit of an extreme example but I hope you get the picture. :wink:

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That current sticky is for when people leave Tipit completely, not just General. Putting a sticky for people "leaving" one forum board while still visiting the others sounds very odd. And honestly, most forum people don't care much for people leaving the forum, people come to read actual posts.




My suggestion is to just PM your friends that you're leaving, or leave a message in your signature.




From what I've seen, the percentage of OT people that leave Tipit and don't come back within 3 months is at about 0.5%, there is no need for a second sticky just for OT if people will just come back a month later.


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^ I knew that that sticky was for the entire board. But many OTer's don't read that thread much, even if that population of OTer's isn't nearly as big as General. I actually meant if they were leaving for good. And I actually like the idea of posting separate threads more like what Eels said, but you guys have been picky on those so I forgot to consider that.




I think that either a sticky should be placed, or that perm. good-bye threads should be allowed. I like the latter a lot more. I really see no harm in that. (Note: There wouldn't be many of the threads themselves anyway.)

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I think we've always been lenient with goodbye threads posted in Off-Topic. In fact, I think if someone "from" Off-Topic posts a goodbye there, it would be silly to redirect them to the General forum. Generally speaking we've allowed goodbye threads to be posted in OT, and there is no use for a sticky since they happen so infrequently anyway.

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I think we've always been lenient with goodbye threads posted in Off-Topic. In fact, I think if someone "from" Off-Topic posts a goodbye there, it would be silly to redirect them to the General forum. Generally speaking we've allowed goodbye threads to be posted in OT, and there is no use for a sticky since they happen so infrequently anyway.




That's what I thought as well. I never thought it was against the rules and was surprised to hear that some thought it was. Since I can remember people like Striker and Deloriagod posting their good bye threads without getting locked.






Yet they came back like a week later. :lol:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I doubt many people actually read the sticky in general. However, if I saw this in OT, I know I would, I know people here more than those from general.


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