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--=[Auctioning of 5 Sigs]=--


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I have 5 pictures for sale.








Bid one the numbers and i'll pm you when you won.




The a/w of the first 4 pics is 100k.




The a/w of the last 1 is 50k








Any changes can always be made if you just let me know what you want to be changed. Leave ur stats and names or some other text, when you want it to be added on the sig.








happy bidding and here they are:












Nr1: no bids












Nr2: bart61 - 60k












Nr3: Noalei - 50k












Nr4: no bids












Nr5: Cruzn - 25k





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gl with your shop :D








Thanks :P although its not yet a shop...












you need to put some aa on some of those fonts.




there all choppy round the edges.








aa= anti alise








im not sure what you mean, but im working on my fonts now :roll: Im not very good with them as you see. But they can alwyas be changed and if you want to put in own font thats fine by me... 8)

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50k on #2 ( if Noalei pulls out, I'll take it :lol: )








Sry, but I don't have the money to keep out-bidding people atm, but I might come back and outbid # 3 or bid on #1.








Gl with your auction, and just a comment about your current sig: I USED TO HAVE THE EXACT SAME SIG, ONLY DIFFERENT COLOUR :lol: :P :lol:








The background was exctly the same, same border, text was different but VERY close, and colours are similiar 8)

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50k on #2 ( if Noalei pulls out, I'll take it :lol: )








Sry, but I don't have the money to keep out-bidding people atm, but I might come back and outbid # 3 or bid on #1.








Gl with your auction, and just a comment about your current sig: I USED TO HAVE THE EXACT SAME SIG, ONLY DIFFERENT COLOUR :lol: :P :lol:








The background was exctly the same, same border, text was different but VERY close, and colours are similiar 8)








I bet you did... :lol: its actually not much more then a twirl and some snow text on it. :roll: But secret ingrediant is a electric gel background behind it that makes the funny look. :P i doubt you had that too :wink:








but anyway, if Noalei pulls out ur in lead on #2.




and good luck with ur money-crises :wink:... i know how you feel...

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arent they a bit bright?












they dont look bright to me... well at least not for the style.




They can be darkend but then people say they look to dark... or to blurry.




they are bright!




Maybe u should check brightness and contrast of ur monitor?








Well, gl. 8)

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