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Global warming...

The Runar

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Is global warming happening? Perhaps.


Is it a natural cycle, of course.


Do humans contribute to the increase/decrease in temperature? Sure, but no where near as bad as Gross gore, I mean Al gore says.


Were those for the global warming theory "cooking the data" Of course.


Is it unscientific to disagree with global warming? No. A large portion of science is "Challenge the establishment", which also happens to be my motto. You can challenge something to both attempt to prove, or attempt to disprove something. If you prove it, that belief/theory is that much stronger. If you disprove it, or provide proofs against it, then that belief/theory is that much weaker. Do not mock those who disagree about scientific theories or fact. Remember, todays theories/laws may be tomorrow's laughable myths.

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I don't have any sauce for you, but for all the glaciers that are melting in the world, the glaciers in Antarctica are actually growing.


Hmmm, interesting. You know why people are worried about glaciers melting? It's not because we'll have less ice in the world; it's because glaciers provide water to millions (possibly billions) of people.


Btw, you're wrong about Antarctica gaining ice,,or at least halfway wrong because you can't differentiate between land and sea ice. Not hard for a quick google, mate:




People are forgetting that Nature is always in perfect balance. Even if we screw with it, it'll rebalance out afer awhile. If it gets real bad, the human race will die out, and the world will start again from whatever era began life on Earth.


Wow, do you think people talking about climate change are yelling about the damage done to Earth? While that's very important, most (99%?) people only care about that because of the danger it does to our own species and other organisms. Why do you think people are yelling and screaming about the dangers? We're talking mass human suffering, mass displacement of people, mass starvation, mass dehydration. This is the exact problem we're trying to prevent. Maybe you don't care about our species surviving, but most (99%) of people do.


Oh, and even as much as the AP fails as a news organization, they came out with this little cookie today:



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This has made me wonder what else Government sponsored research companies are lying about.


That would explain the one place where they keep the aliens and [cabbage] we aren't supposed to know about.


I heard they lied about the link between cigarettes and cancer. Oh wait, no, that was climate change denialist PR head group the George C. Marshall Institute:



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The way I see it, Doomsday via Global Warming isn't going to happen within our lifetimes. Maybe the next century or afterwards, but not this century. But at our current pace if we do nothing about it we're gonna die eventually. But, oil IS going to run out within our lifetimes.


And viola. No oil to burn, no global warming. We survive!

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Well perhaps it won't happen within our lifetimes, but it could get very serious very quickly. And you mention oil, when you're forgetting that coal is the biggest contributor.


Here's a reason to limit CO2, and it has nothing to do with climate change:


Ocean Acidification


"It affects marine life, it affects coral, and that in turn could affect the amount of fish in the sea - and a billion people in the world depend on fish for their principal source of protein.


This is why it's so important and has such a high impact on how humans live. And yet on this very thread, people deny the science. Maybe they'll accept the science of ocean acidification if they ignore global warming. Both are going to affect our food supply deeply.

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Well perhaps it won't happen within our lifetimes, but it could get very serious very quickly. And you mention oil, when you're forgetting that coal is the biggest contributor.


Here's a reason to limit CO2, and it has nothing to do with climate change:


Ocean Acidification


"It affects marine life, it affects coral, and that in turn could affect the amount of fish in the sea - and a billion people in the world depend on fish for their principal source of protein.


This is why it's so important and has such a high impact on how humans live. And yet on this very thread, people deny the science. Maybe they'll accept the science of ocean acidification if they ignore global warming. Both are going to affect our food supply deeply.


Not to mention tourism revenue. The Great Barrier Reef is a major tourist destination in Australia, and unfortunately coral bleaching is destroying it.

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