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Everything posted by Xg4m3r

  1. Dk yesterday was fun, currently getting back into slayer, will update later on progress.
  2. All pots bought for dk, bought 2 more crystal seeds also, just getting some more teleport crystals while getting range up last 30k to 80.
  3. Don't quit! Ready for a trilogy which you must read? Ok, here I go. Runescape is a great place to purely relax and enjoy yourself while having the choice of when to play and when not to. It's easy to restrict play time by simply just having some simple plan whether it be on paper or in your head, have an hour or two of social time and homework etc., maybe a half hour of revision or whatever then you can come and delve into the friendship filled world of rs and tip.it. Remember, there's no reason for runescape to change your life. Me for instance, I fit in social time, 2 hours on the computer and over 2 hours exercise a day. "Your life can't take away your level, but your level can take away your life." A good philosophy, I think it's brilliant, but if you have the right state of mind you can easily prevent rs being an issue to life at all, it's purely here for relaxtion and enjoyment. Especially when you're bored. :P So basicly, after all that which i've typed.. which I'm not even sure what i've talked about now, lmao.. the message is simple! DON'T GO BISCUIT!
  4. Currently making money for DK. Need 3.7m to start with, next item from barrows please. :D
  5. Hey Guys and Gals alike, bumping this from the wonderfull cruise ship "Sea Princess" in the heart of the Caribbean, see you in 11 days!
  6. You could just as easily barrows the next 10m, buy a santa, and you have another week+ to barrows the 18m again.. barrows would have to be nice to you :S lol. Good luck! P.S. (if you havn't read blog) Guess what item I got? GUTH BODY! rofl!
  7. Join me tonight for the last night of barrows before I leave for 2 weeks, let the items come!
  8. Finally! I broke the 47 trip dry streak, shame it was with an ahrims staff. Next item please!
  9. Gratz on the items, i'm starting to lose faith now.. good old giarcnosam hasn't had an item in 45 trips, slight difference to the usual item within 10 trips.
  10. Sorry to hear about your "illness", but winning ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã50 prize money for my invention was wicked!
  11. Absolutely no items yesterday, which I was VERY annoyed at. Hoping for something today.
  12. Keep it up, shame about the cb level up :( check my barrows spoils for today and read my trilogy post at end of blog rofl.
  13. Well, today didn't turn out too bad actually. After only getting three items, (see a few posts above) and not brilliant ones at that, I decided to check their worth on the official forums. To my surprise the Dharok helm that I thought would be somewhere around 300k is actually about 750k+, as for the plate, that should bring in a tidy 850k. The staff I will sell off for a tidy 75-100k and take my 1.8m profit for the day, added to the runes I managed to bank and that all important half key, todays profits amount to around 3m. Not overly bad for a day, but let's hope I can raise the further 4-5m needed for potions etc. It pleased me to find out I have 100 of the 280 p-pots I need banked, which is good. See you soon everyone! ~Xg ~Giarc
  14. Today is BARROWS DAY! I need to raise upwards of 7m cash, so i'm going to try and raise as much of that as I can today! I will keep the items (if I get them :S) for today here: SECOND TRIP: etc. 9TH TRIP: 26TH TRIP: Wish me luck!
  15. ALSO! I've been breaking up the tedium of fletching by pcing a tiny bit of range (need 80 for dk). Got 79 in the actually game, these should get me closer to 80.
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