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Everything posted by namine3220

  1. Peter:hey Quag Dingo, you wanna play I spy? Quagmire: No! Peter: I spy something baige. Can someone answer what Peter was spying?
  2. you pathetic roxas, you have to die sooner or later....i hope! :pray:
  3. too bad im a nobody i call other nobodies to kill roxas and retreaves the phat again and pu :twisted: ts it in underwear drawer! Ha Cant touch it now huh?
  4. ok just cuz im new here dosn't mean u have to focus on my grammar, just focus on runescape quotes or more interesting things than grammar. Geez ur gonna be a language arts teacher some day sponge. :)
  5. you find another worm hole then go through it that leads to a locked room where there is 999mil and it takes the most valuble item out when u pick up the munny and the phat mystically disappears into my inventory and i where the phat while u die in a horrible slow death.....well hopefully u will drop dead or there will be a door that leads to a dungeon where a dragon sleeps and then awakes form roxas's scream that sounded like a girl screech and gets eaten. THE END OF ROXAS
  6. smacks the phat off head and takes it and runs into a bottle of beer, but there are a hundred bottles that you have to look in to find me. and in each one you look in that is wrong you blow up kinda like 4th of july! P.S. sing the song first. LOL!
  7. Pink with Organization XII on it and laced with velcro and with mini keyblades. LOL!! What's Bologna REALLY made of? Not the artificial stuff like water, and vinegar, the REAL stuff. (I bet someone will ask to go to the store and buy bologna and read the label. BUT that's cheating!)
  8. Namine' is a character from Kingdom Hearts. She is Kairi's nobody. Ok? She's my favorite character! Sincerely, The One, The Only, Namine'
  9. Ok, so what if there's an apostrophe? It makes more since to me. Geez... :roll:
  10. Hi, I'm Namine, I love to play RuneScape with Roxas3220 and Riku3220. My stats aren't the best, but I'm working on it! Well at least my FireMaking Level is on the high score list! I'm level 51 and I am a reallly good friend to many players. I like to play Kingdom Hearts and watch Family Guy. ~P.S.~ I'm not the REAL Namine' , but a big fan of her's. Duh! :roll: Sincerely, Namine' :wall:
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