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  1. Wow, thank you, Ive been saying that for the longest. I came back to members in late july with nothing but 44 rc, i made a load of nats and as you can see i have a rc lvl im rpoud of for now. i have whip. 5m. some,barrows, every skill bank suppies that are 20m in all. Problly 30m net worthand rising . making cash i rs is NOT HARD.
  2. no im not addicted .ive been playing 2 years and im only lvl 92 i just dont want it to get in the way of the my first year of high shcool
  3. IM going to be a freshmen and shcool starts in a week I have track pratice after shcool and when i get home i have about 4 hours before i have to go to bed. And those 4 hours is counted toward homework, plus i have track meets on weekends so as you can see i have a tight sedueole. Should i still pay for members and find time to play? or just take away members and wait 9 months and play again.
  4. My farming is 12 atm. and i want it to get to 50. ivve been chain farming but i seen this is a little show. and can tell me what i can do to speed it up?
  5. only 75K-100k? wow when i think of farming i think on pohs lol. ok now how about time spent?
  6. ok thx.. im new btw :wall:
  7. How much supllies or cash is needed for 50 farming?
  8. holy crap.. yo can get 50+ if you do it right....wow
  9. swarm would kill them both. cant att swarm im so smart \ :thumbsup:
  10. Metal Dragons. Because there b4 thier time if you think about it :
  11. i mean seriously come on. i know he was embarrissed :oops:
  12. we was like oh **** hen he logged out lol
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