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Everything posted by Sir_Alex85

  1. XD! That's a new quote for my signature. Thanks. :D ;P
  2. It's not great, but I like it... I'm not sure why. Nice.
  3. I suck at BG's. :wink: Yeah, the blue thing was random. I was going to do another person, but decided to have fun with a [developmentally delayed]ed creature thingy. Thanks for the tips Quer :D
  4. :D Thanks. Yeah, the thing on the left is like... Like.
  5. ;P C/C welcome. I used a new technique for the outlinings... I got the idea from one of QuerSkulls tutorials, and decided I'd try it for this one.
  6. Actually, this is a new font I downloaded. I believe I've used it one other time... I believe in a sig I made for a contest. No noses or eyebrows.. I might add eyebrows next time, but my noses REAAAAALLY stink. Thanks for all the comments everyone. :D (Iron Maiden Rules!)
  7. I duplicated half the hair and some of the jacket. I'm a smoker, I'm a joker, I'm a midnight toker
  8. Thanks. :D Yes, I like bluuuuuurry text. ;P
  9. 27 views and no C/C on my linework? ;(
  10. I want to know what you think about the linework. It's a new... style. And yes, Sir Alex is wearing a leather jacket. And dont comment on the BG, I added the clouds in there because I think it looks cool. So just rate linework.
  11. Raaaaan the Maaaaaan he's sitting on the Caaaaaaan
  12. Ooh, 50k for me and Max.. Since we Are partners. :D
  13. Jaguar, isn't that just the picture colored over? Excuse me if I'm wrong. I must've been thinking of Godslayer for the contest... oh well.
  14. I've beaten Ran in a compy before... I think it was one of Dragulescu's... Iunno
  15. I don't know man, me and Max's are VERY AWESOME. Perhaps more awesome than some of Ran's stuff. WE ARE ONE.... In friendship. XD
  16. Tricked out hair :D Max did an awesome job
  17. Oh, of course. If you do pick me, you'll still get the 50k thing... I'l do the hairstyle now.
  18. This sig here was pre-made for someone who never bought it, so it's not EXCACTLY what you want. But, I'm willing to tac off 50k on your price if you look past it. :D That would be 450k, not 500k. Thanks :D
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