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Everything posted by Sir_Alex85

  1. Rawr. Rate it out of 10 ;P I made this one in school... Comp class is boring >_>
  2. I like 'em ;P (I thought it said pornograph in the title ;p I was like What the-)
  3. Wow ;P I didn't think people here read/made sprite comics as well ;P The Arthour CLICHE! dun dun duuuuun
  4. ;P Karamja does have some mountain-ee area by the caves. ;P
  5. I really like it. It's very peaceful. Nice job ;P
  6. My first sig, the "Toffee" one was always my favourite. It fetched great reviews ;P So I've decided to revise it. There's new shading on Sir Alex's armour, a cooler, better background and foreground and slight changed to Sir Shirby. Consider this the "special edition" ;P New one: Old one: Rate the changes at 1 through 10. ;P
  7. http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=82865&start=0 ^_^
  8. I didn't say you were a stupid noob. But some people seem to be suspicious of people who aren't as well known. I was only trying to give you a tip.
  9. I'd suggest getting some more posts and get more well known around here. Everyone's suspicious ;P (for good reasons, though)
  10. I like it ;P A background would probaly add more to it, though ;P 7/10 for second.
  11. the one I have now is pretty funny ;P And my old one: ;P
  12. People love Gabby too ;P I doubt banning is a consequence though.
  13. I still support my bud Gabby... though, the evidence is against him. What are consequences for sig ripping on this forum, anyway?
  14. I'm with Gabby on this. They don't look alike at all, except for the arm positioning. Maybe he's seen it before, and put it in that style without knowing.. I think Gabby is trustworthy.
  15. I'll enter this, for sure. Not now, since I don't have time, but sometime on the weekend. Like Saturday or Sunday ;P
  16. I might make one ;P Stupid cool hip-hop style shall prevail!
  17. I use the same face style for most of them ;P Call it lazy, I call it... spriting... ... Yeah. ;P
  18. Hi. I need more RS2 cash ;P So I'm opening another siggy shop ;P My work: Prices are 30k +. If you wish to order one, please leave the name, what you want in it, background, and any other stuff that I might find useful. I'll take up to four orders at a time.
  19. I'd be glad to make you one. The stupid cool hip-hop style always prevails! A little more details would be nice, though.
  20. Swag is pirate booty. Which is treasure to landlubbers. Boxes? They're far off houses ;( ;P The text they speak? I can change that. I explained what the sig was underneath it ;P I can change the text, but I won't draw up a new one. Even if you don't pick it/like it, I can always auction/trash it ;P
  21. Swag is pirate booty. Which is treasure to landlubbers. Boxes? They're far off houses ;( ;P The text they speak? I can change that. I explained what the sig was underneath it ;P I can change the text, but I won't draw up a new one. Even if you don't pick it/like it, I can always auction/trash it ;P
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