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Status Updates posted by Shyla


  2. I log in everyday but nobody ever talks when I'm on so...and you're not on so not my fault!

  3. FUS RO DAH!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hairy Pickle

      Hairy Pickle

      Shyla, i don't think you ever come on here anymore but when you see this, add me on skype/facebook. It's Kingmerik999 from a long time ago.


      My email is "[email protected]" Please send me a message whenever you're able too/see this

    3. Hairy Pickle

      Hairy Pickle

      You know me!


    4. Hairy Pickle
  4. My name's Bruce. Lady Bruce.

    1. The Observer

      The Observer

      The name's Wayne. Bruce Wayne.

    2. The Observer

      The Observer

      Nice to meet you.

  5. you can be the master of my dungeon >:D

  6. Oh but Sandal has a different voice now :( And my custom Hawke is smexy rawrrrr~

  7. FU! You just spoiled DA2 for me >:(

  8. What, I changed back already lol

  9. I suspect Sandal was enchanted by Space Invaders that's why he always looked stoned when you talk to him /random

  10. Wherever you are...you are there.

    1. Ren


      I'm kinda actually right here, lurkin yo profilez.

  11. Serp-e-jandro? XD

  12. The Broodmother will eat you.

  13. Gerbil T_T I won't accept your resignation. If you go I'll never ever talk to you again *sobs*

  14. I kid, please come back to us :( to me :(

  15. You can't quit! I'll hate you forever if you'll quit.

  16. Happy 28th birthday <3333333333333

  17. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I <3 you Jeremy.

  18. Oi woman! Happy Birthday! *doesn't know when it is*

  19. Vikki told me something about you...

  20. I could say the same for you nerd <3

  21. Staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalk!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. Sandal approves of this woman +20

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