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Everything posted by Michael_Allen

  1. nice not as big as mine in rl muhahah
  2. I say let it melt even if all the big countries in the world reduced there carbon emisions greatly how would we get developing countries to.
  3. some people ask to be friendly others have other things in mind 'hacking' you should make up your own mind about each indivdual or not tell them.
  4. some people like to make friends and by asking personal info this happens report them if you want its up 2 u.
  5. I dont think you can but cheers anyway
  6. noooo... if youre old than im old too and im only 18.... where are my dentures btw? :-# :wink: 18 aint old 20s OLD! :cry:
  7. well thanks for your help anyway still no idea what im gonna do
  8. hmm f2p magic training seems to suck... i wish i cud prelong my membership
  9. Hi ive been away for 7 months and have now returned im looking for CKR there website seems to have gone but most importantly im looking for old members: Hypno Monky Crazeywolf Bondi L the83rdwizard if anyone knows what happened to CKR i would love to know...
  10. i have 7 days left on my membership and im not going to renew it. atm im spending all my time on experiments and getting my def to 70 after that i want to train magic to around about 80 its 61 atm. whats the best way to train F2P magic.
  11. insane :shame: . the meaning of life is 2 things. every living thing on this planet can expect the same thing, 1. To Die 2. To Reproduce thus is the meaning of life.
  12. happy bday wish i was 14 again :(
  13. I personally think its cool he's now got a son it opens a whole new door for superman sequals
  14. ive got it on DVD and i think its pretty cool, its not gonna get film of the year BUT, i like the fact that they have left it open for many more supermen films to come 'NAMELY' his son!
  15. you have as much right to be there as him, and if the mod does mute you for that report him to jagex and he'll be banned
  16. Im at emperiments now and am the only person there. Its not crowded
  17. it'd be cool if you could change it when u wanted to
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