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Everything posted by hiperjak

  1. Mine's White Wolf Mountain So quiet, so high So quiet and high that it is perfect ..to kill fortress guards
  2. rubber chicken =) if not a holiday item; Skull Sceptre
  3. I have about 6 accounts Lancereaver1, the main Hyperjacked, the black pure Cavalier 97, the junky steel pure Lance Pker2, the archer 1337skiller2, my old skiller, who has 3 attack and, The Amplolz, the better skiller The ones in bold are the ones im always playing
  4. Either one It made RS "good" because they loook "good" on others.. It made RS "bad" because it inflates more often (and deflates) and the target for scammers
  5. We should split clan chat in the right window of the RS screen, like the friends list on the left (For easy access) instead of pressing the clan button on. The color should be yellow
  6. Some people would say this: "Please give me stuff" We call this a beggar But...if someone says this to you: "I wanna be your friend, please give me gold" "I like you, your H0t!, please give me gold, hawt guy" "Hey remember me, please give me gold, friend" Well, its a gold-digger Have you experienced this not-so-friends that act like beggars. Well post your experience about gold diggers
  7. Cool! Nice find.....wow 300 developers! RS is so hard to manage
  8. ka-rum-ja rum with banana!
  9. chady! where in the 4th row.... so..... 4TH ROWERS FTW!
  10. well will have to wait for that... but.... 3rd row ftw!
  11. "Yew" are gonna wc yews at lvl 70+, its faster (wish there are no macroers, but there are).....
  12. :XD: :XD: :XD: :XD: :XD: :XD: lolz so true but the rubber chicken is by far the most amusing one :thumbsup: Rubber chicken pwnz bad!!!!!
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