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Everything posted by tennisnick12

  1. How you describe the guy is as if he's from a fairy tail. It reminds me of storybook I would read to my little sister describing the prince in shining armour. Either that is how he is acting towards you or that is just how you are picturing him. I will make a guarantee that their are no 23 year old guys who are not thinking about sex.
  2. Hey baby are you rich? No. Then I'll lend you my Godsword.
  3. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post, but I can find nowhere better. First off I'm currently a Freshmen at College and my major is Business Administration. The truth is that I don't really like business that much and am more interested in History. I'm thinking about switching my major to History, because I like history a lot more. The only catch is that I do not want to be a history teacher and I really don't want to go to graduate school either. Then their is also the fact that I'm thinking about transfering. My reasons for thinking about transferring are not liking to pay for room/board. I would be transferring to a college in my hometown. I'm going to have to take out student loans, but I would prefer to cut off the 20k by staying at home. I know this is a very scatterbrained post, but advice on any of the topics is very welcome.
  4. I knew it...I know my post was after hers, but I was writing mine before I saw hers. You could tell by how she was acting that she had lost some kind of paternal influence. It is sad that she will be scared for life from her moms death and affect her relationships for life. If I was you "Bad Babe" I would go see a pshychologist and see what his advice about this 23 year old is and how this might be caused by your moms death.
  5. Can I ask an honest question, and I'm not trying to take the Michael out of you, I'm genuinely making a point: Have you ever felt this way about someone before? If this is the first person you've ever loved in that special way, how do you know what you're feeling is altruistic? You've got no feeling to compare it against. What if you're mistaking trust for something completely different? That's why 15 year olds need to go out with other 15 year olds, before they throw their lot in with someone older who can use that confusion to manipulate them. If you seriously want my advice, stop this and go out with someone your own age. Be 15 and just have fun in life, like you're meant to at that age. You'll be much happier for it in the long run, I guarantee you. I don't date people younger than 17, they're just too immature. And to answer your question: No. I haven't felt like this about anyone before. I started dating when I was 12, went out with a 14 year old. Big mistake. I've been out with 14,17,19,21,22 and 23 year olds before. I think I know what I'm getting myself into. There is no way to put this nicely, but you are in no way old enough. First I would like to ask if your parents got divorced? or if one of them left or died? Or was your dad working a lot? It is really sad, but it sounds like you lacked a strong male influence in your life and you are trying to replace that with your boyfriends. I think their is no way you should be dating anyone over 18 and if you truly love him. You will realize that if you get caught having sex, you might get your boyfriend imprisioned for a very long time.
  6. The American Dream is rubbish. The American Dream believes that America is superior to other countries and that our greatness should be spread--even if it means by force. " A widespread determination by Americans to provide their children with a better upbringing than their parents were able to provide for them; A philosophy that with hard work, courage and determination, one can prosper and achieve success " This is a dictionary definition and I know that you have your own ideas, but we don't try to forcibly spread our dream. The American dream is the only reason that America is as good as it is, so if you want to go live in an inferior country go for it, but don't criticize the principles that our country was built on.
  7. Beacuse USA is the strongest and most influential country in the world? ...Possibly? Or because if America's leader decides hey,there are terrorists in S.E.A.,we're the ones who get attacked,and thus suffer? You are just selling short your hatred for Bush with that reply, because almost no one is against his war on terrorism in Afghanistan. So if you have terrorists in your country and they are using your country as a launching pad to attack the U.S. even Obama will probaly invade that country.
  8. Maybe I was wrong, but I thought that you were implying that he was when you stated how people from the inner-city and rich suburb kids do not have the same chance. Also when you stated that the American dream is rubbish which is implying in my opinion that if people not working for their reward, then they are just given their reward.
  9. I see what your trying to say, but your example of kids in Iraq makes no sense. Kids in the US don't have a say in American Politics, so why should kids in Iraq. LOL WUT This was the first election I've really followed, so excuse any ignorance I have, or may, show(n). Isn't one of the unalienable rights in the Declaration of Independence "life"? When you don't allow someone to get healthcare, let alone some money, you're basically denying them that right. And there is no way that everyone is born equal. Not only are there genetics, but do you really think a kid living in a gang-ridden section of a city will get the same chances as a kid living in a rich suburb? I thought part of the American Dream (Which is complete rubbish, but who cares) was hope, and giving people a chance. Apparently I'm really left-wing, but I live in America. Oh well. I'm not going to argue with your post, but simply say according to all of the other left-wingers out there you are an idiot. Because they all believe that Obama will not redistribute wealth or institute any other marxist ideas.
  10. I just don't see why the world feels that they need/have a say in American politics.
  11. My biggest problems with these left-wing opinions are that they are coming from foreign countries. 3/4 of the liberal views on this page were posted y non-americans. I really think the world should not think that their opinion matters on who the U.S. president is. I'm not saying that you can't have an opinion, but their is no reason for me to respect your opinion unless you lived in the U.S.
  12. I'd like to kiss you passionately on the lips, then move up to your belly button. (Use index finger to call someone over then say) I made you come with one finger, imagine what I could do with the rest. Would you be my love buffet? So I can lay you out on the table and take what I want? As long as you need a place to sit, you'll always have my face. You are what you eat, and tonight I want to be you.
  13. True, but America supposedly has the truest form of democracy and don't receive socialist benefits like you do in the UK. Those people who pay 40% still pay for their own healthcare. Im not trying to compare it to all of the European nations that receive many national benefits from their increased taxes.
  14. The rich already pay to much in taxes. I am by no means rich, but the only people in this country that deserve tax breaks are the rich when. How would you feel if you paid a 40% income tax? Then most of your money goes into helping other people. If I want to help other people I would donate to charities, but it should be a choice.
  15. The reason that I don't like socialism or the idea of spreading the wealth is, because if I ever become a successful businessman I want to get paid for the work that I do. I do not want to pay the poor for not working. I am not even a real supporter of Bush, but every man that has ever been elected to the office of president was smart. There have been no dumb presidents in the US. Going to Iraq might not have been the greatest decision, but it will be interesting to see how long it take Obama to "bring the troops home".
  16. Why does everyone hate Bush? He is not the idiot that everybody thinks he is. I bet that no more than 3 people on the TIF have a higher IQ than Bush or went to a better school than him. I think that so many people hate Bush, because of the war in Iraq, but a majority of people supported the war at first. Americans just have a hard time with sacrafice and this is why America lost in Vietnam as well. It was, because the American people are a bunch of pansies with no backbone. It takes a leader with a backbone to stand up and keep America as a superpower. We will very soon see if Obama has that backbone and then America will be wanting a leader that does not worry about his image, but about the well being of the country.
  17. Im going to laugh when Obama ends up leaving the troops in Iraq longer than McCain would have and since they both have/had "plans" but Im sure he will probaly not follow his plan at all. Im truly scared of what Obama might do, but I will wait and see, because Im thinking he is mostly talk like all presidential canidates which is a good thing.
  18. Stopping people voting isn't really an issue republicans can take the moral high-ground on. Don't you remember Florida 2000? Plus it isn't like Fox News has an agenda itself is it? You are so right about Fox having a conservative agenda. Im a republican and I agree with you 100%. But don't think for one second that CNN is not a liberally biased media outlet. The republicans did not do anything wrong in Florida in 2000. Bush won before the recount and he won after the recount.
  19. Are you some kind of idiot. Most of the poor people are people who are middle-aged, Which can't get any job even Mcdonalds, because there was no use for a highschool diploma in the 50's 70's and 80's. but no, everything is changing you need to graduate high-school and even go to college for a minimum of 4 years to get a job at Mcdonalds... I feel bad for people who don't know what it's like to struggle in life, It gives you a sense of what's going on around you. now your saying that Mcdonals is always hiring and you can work your way up to a decent job... Is quite frankly horrible. You are Probably only around your 20's and not understanding what it's like for a middle aged person to cope with the world. #-o I hate make this a pointless post, but your idiot if you think middle aged people without a high school diploma can't get a job at McDonalds. There are so many jobs that you don't need a high school diploma to work at and can still make good money. You are quite right about my age I am 20 years old. But I worked at a fast food restaurant for $8 an hour when I was 16 and I obviously did not have a high school diploma or a college degree. My dad is a truck driver who did not go to college and supported me and my 7 brothers and sisters growing up. My dad was the only one that worked as well, because my mom has mental issues, so she was a stay at home mom. I think it is utterly ridiculous for someone to tell me that hardwork is not enough to get by, because otherwise I wouldn't have had a house to live in or food to eat.
  20. And you can totally feed a family and house on a McDonalds salary. :roll: The thing is is that we aren't even talking about welfare here, we're talking about health care. How can someone deny a person such an important thing? You said we need to care for the entire nation, and that is true. That includes people who can not pay for health care or the exorbitant prices that come with something as simple as Surgery. If you have both parents working at McDonald's making $10 an hour working 10 hours a day, yes you can feed a family and pay for a house on a McDonalds salary. I do not believe that you will start out at $10 an hour, but it is really not that hard to find a job paying $10 an hour if you are willing to work hard. Well Universal health care is in my opinion welfare. So why doesn't the government start paying for our car insurance and house insurance, because we are not a socialist government. We are a country based on the "American Dream" where if you work hard you will be rewarded. But would you want universal health care at the cost of the nation of the United States? I would rather live the American ideals that have kept this country free and safe for 200 years than go and try to be a socialist nation. If health care is that big of a deal to you just go move to Canada.
  21. I don't feel like using quotes, but the fact of the matter is that all of you are just stereotyping the presidential canidates like a good news anchor would. I actually chose not to vote, because I think both of them suck. Don't go saying FDR was the last person to truly care for America. All of these poor people don't realize that the presidents do what is best for the nation not the poor people. When presidents start only caring for the poor people we will crumble and our nation will die. The truth is the nation is a middle class nation that is run by the middle class and I think that if a person truly wants a job that they can go and find at least a low income job. I just hate people who want handouts, when they do not have a physical or mental condition that prevents them from working. I can promise you that McDonalds is always hiring and their is even room to work your way up to a decent job at a fast food restaurant.
  22. I was at the Tech game, because Im a Tech student and it was awesome. Even though Tech really let Texas back in the game it could have been a huge blowout, but ended up being an awesome game.
  23. I can almost guarantee we will see an untrimmed summoning cape in the next year. Charms can be obtained through theiving and if a person uses the rest of their combat training to obtain charms it will be very obtainable. I know this post is completely off topic, but just about nobody is actually addressing the question.
  24. I'm not really that good at money making and I can make 320k an hour with Blue dragons. So why are Blue dragons such a horrible way to make money. I'm not really aquainted with all the other money making methods, but to me 320k an hour is good money.
  25. 2-3 on 50%, but dramatically increase your profit by putting 100% and making your odds better to get good seeds. If you think you only get 2-3 seeds a day on 100% your absolutely crazy and prove to me that you are quite naive about the whole mtk system and average extras.
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