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Everything posted by tennisnick12

  1. Yea if you can tank definitely tank. This guide is not bad, but since it doesn't include tanking it isn't really complete. +1 to the guy above me tanking saves a lot money as well.
  2. washing trucks, I am not doing it because in the summer the heat + soapy water is unbearable I call uber bs on this. Unless your dad owns some company and decides that he will let you work for one hour a day and make $40. If this is a legit job why don't you post a website or the name of the company, because I will happily work for this company.
  3. This is just some proof that has been compiled by people smarter than me. *Josephus is a known forgery, an interpolation penciled in over his work sometime in the fourth century. There ARE some earlier volumes found which do not have this. http://www.infidels.org/library/histori ... _live.html *Pliny does not mention Jesus by name, and only alludes to a Christ(again, this is ~70 years after death) *Tacitus again, only refers to Christos, does not mention his name, and is ~80 years after death. *Suetonius does not mention a Christ or Jesus. Heh. Next. Some of Josephus work was a forgery, but not all of it. So you can to choose to not accept his account. There are no 1st first century accounts that say that the gospels were false. So I would like to see proof that the gospels were not true. Since the gospels are established works.
  4. I'm seriously proud of you guys on here that have platonic best friend girl relationships. I have kinda of tried that before and it always seems that my hormones get in the way of my thinking. Hey, but that is awesome if you are able to have a girl best friend and you aren't gay.
  5. I think that homosexuality is all about genetics and mental problems. I'm saying that I don't think that a person born with the proper genetics and raised without anything that causes problems to his/her mental health will become homosexual. And what I'm saying about genetics is some boys are born with higher levels of female hormones and vice-versa with girls. I think that the second reason people are homosexual is because of psychological problems that they've experienced growing up.
  6. That is the greatest thing Texas fans have to put all of their hope in Oklahoma winning. :ohnoes:
  7. Since I am not a biblical or historical scholar I can not refute your individual claims tryto, but here is some proof. This is just some proof that has been compiled by people smarter than me.
  8. When I was a freshmen in high school I was at a tennis tournament on a college campus. So me and my friend thought it would be funny to have girls take pictures w/ yellow earmuffs on. So we had a guy going around asking mainly attractive girls if they would take pictures with these earmuffs on for a school project. I might have to wait till I get back home to post the pics. But one girl said she would hunt us down and kill us if she found the pics on the internet. :ohnoes:
  9. Why do you have to go and act mature now? :shame: Lol, because I'm sober. :mrgreen: I thought I told you that being sober can only lead to one thing.....No fun and being able to drive safely.
  10. It doesn't really matter what Obama's policies or ideas are it only matters which ones he will carry out. I have a feeling that Obama will be quite conservative in the sense of not doing much his first term. Look at from his point of view and you see that him just sitting back and not making to many real big changes will help get re-elected for a second term. Electing anyone to a second term is where real damage is done in the second term where they do not have to play the political game as much.
  11. Evolution isn't one stage of change, evolution is a constant and the human race even continues to evolve, we've become taller and unfortunately more susceptible to disease as we've evolved for the modern world. I see what your trying to say, but you still fail to answer the questions how no humans have fallen far enough behind to see noticeable differences in them. And as to were getting taller I understand that and I would include that under natural adaptation.
  12. You realize that race is not biological, and that it's a social construct made up by humans...right? Race for the most part is not biological, but it is still to some extent biological. Because how many Africans(Blacks) are there that can trace their true family heritage back to Europe. I have to use colors, because of the Europeans that migrated to Africa and the blacks that moved to Europe or were forcefully taken there.
  13. Tryto you are completely right on my misuse of the word theory. Since you seem like a very knowledgeable person I will pose a few questions for you. Why are their no noticeable humans/apes that are still in the stage of evolution? Because I believe in natural adaptation, but I just think that their would be more noticeable evidence of evolution.
  14. So many of sciences answers to how people came about and how the world came about are purely theoretical. I'm not even saying science is wrong, but this is an area where even people who believe in science are actually expressing some faith. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm 99% sure that Evolution is still a theory and all of the thoughts on the formation and start of the earth are still theories. So you might believe in what science has to say, but their are no hard facts on these subjects.
  15. I think the funny thing is that Obama really didn't have the race card to play. I mean he is half-white and half-black. Trust me if Obama was fully black he would not have won the election. The American Public wasn't ready to elect a fully black president, just look at the uproar caused by electing Obama.
  16. Lenticular are you a Tech student? fan or what? Just wondering since I'm a student at tech.
  17. SEVERELY IMMATURE SEVERELY IMMATURE But SEVERELY FUNNY. [bleep] on pick up lines are supposed to be funny/immature. Thats why only idiots use them.
  18. You look life my first wife! (how many have you had?) none. This one would have to be played perfectly and you still need her to respond right.
  19. I hate to be tedious, but if you look at my thread I spelled assassinated right earlier in the post. It was just a typing error and you are right I don't go through each of my posts looking for spelling or grammatical errors.
  20. Oops! :lol: There will always be that possibility that he'll get assassinated. Lmao. I was actually going to be an immature person and read through his post to look for grammatical errors, but I was beat to it. It's a good thing that I'm not an English major.
  21. Wow you guys take things to seriously. I was offering up a compliment on somebodies looks, not asking her on a date. Hey it's ok I know that we have some guys on here who aren't used to giving girls compliments or even talking to girls.
  22. It's to bad that if Tech and Bama win out. Penn St. really has no chance.
  23. It really is sad that so few cute girls play runescape. Laura you are the cutest girl I've ever seen that played rs. I hope your not offended by the word cute.
  24. No Well we now can safely say that no one will try to assassinate him, because of his color. Thanks to l0l0lpur32 he will not be assissanted, because of "no". Wow I'm sure the secret service will pull off some of their guards to go guard someone in more danger now.
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