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Posts posted by unknowz

  1. whats with the scratch white lines on her collar? and the hairs nice, then theres a big solid block of colour running right round it. EW! :thumbsup: fix them and it will be so much better


    Scratch lines are my first sketch lines I didnt delete yet because I only really worked on the face.


    The hair isnt done either. All what you see is me making lame attempts to try to find how to draw them :XD:

  2. Thanks for the input.


    For the hair, I don't seem to be able to find the right brush to use. Either it's too small or too big. What kind of brush you suggest?


    No I'm not planning to make a career out of art :) . Im studying in health sciences atm lol. This is more of a past-time.

  3. firstdppx8.png


    Thats Famke Janssen a.k.a pheonix in xmen aka Jean Grey (thanks weeboab)


    Obviously I only worked on the face (still gotta work on the eyes)




    Few things id like to mention.


    -I do not own a tablet. Drew this with my mouse


    -I drew this in GIMP (thats not an excuse for bad drawing, just so you know I don't want advice based on photoshop)


    -This is my first attempt at digital painting.




    Few questions:


    -How the heck you do the hair? :-k


    -General advice... tutorials would be appreciated.


    -Do you guys think I have enough potential to consider buying a tablet?




    Thanks ::'

  4. whether its a speed pixel or not, you've totally ignored the basics.. you didn't even sketch, you drew the final linework straight on without any alterations..




    If you wanted to restrict yourself for time, then drawing a complex human form wouldn't be the way to go. intead I'd try draw something much simpler, and on a smaller scale.


    Heh, you almost sound like I've done something against the law :lol:


    Well, I'll bear that in mind if I ever try something like this again.




    And thanks for that shift tip lovely, I knew you could use it with the circle, but not with the pencil.

  5. very odd technique, you should never just draw your final linework outright, you have to plan, make constant changes.. Your roughly jotted out a shape of a character which you seemingly refered from a stick-chararacter plan and filled it in with randomly chosen colours..




    Even when speed pixeling, the main part of it is, sketching out your character, getting the anatomy correct as possible and then cleaning everything up.. When colouring it, its essential you are constantly altering your palette, certain shades may be slightly too dark/light/saturated etc.. when shading you need to be adding depth to your image, creating the illusion the image is 3 dimensional, and not flat.. It really seems like you've bypassed all that an artist focuses on and simply filled rushed linework.


    Thats not how I pixel when I take my time. The goal of this was to see how fast I could do it. sketching then cleaning up (like I usually do) wouldve take too much time


    And you can see a shaded image I didnt vid at the end

  6. Nice idea, saw something like this on dA.




    Looking good so far, but the totem pole itself (background) doesn't have enough colors. It's 5-6 shades of brown and that's it.




    I say photoshop/dither it so it's more smooth.




    8 shades, and it's a pixel totem pole, shouldn't be using PS to make it look more smooth imo

  7. Eckered doesnt seem to comprehend the challenge or skill raising potential of restricting yourself to a low color count. Perhaps a 'pixel god' doesn't need to. Maybe he hasn't thought of the benefits of learning how to maximize the potential of all colors. Who knows?








    Note: Don't talk about spelling or grammar Eck, please. You look even more foolish.








    Another note: "i dont understand why people think "low colors" is any different then "high colors"... in my pixels, i usually keep the max colors to 32, but really, i dont use nearly as many anyway... why limit yourself to like 4 colors...? there is absolutely no need. trust me, i know this. im making a rpg as we speek"








    You know nothing.








    Just so you know.








    I don't need flaming thanks.




    And thanks terley for the edit, I reworked the legs+foot so they don't look inversed. I'll also study your edit and improve my version. I'll post an update when I have time








    And eckered, I usually do sigs with much more colors, just tried one with a low color count to see if I could do it. No need to start a debate over that :?

  8. i dont understand why people think "low colors" is any different then "high colors"... in my pixels, i usually keep the max colors to 32, but really, i dont use nearly as many anyway... why limit yourself to like 4 colors...? there is absolutely no need. trust me, i know this. im making a rpg as we speek :-$








    the piece itself is fine. i dont like the pinkish bg, just make it white or trancparency.








    the feel and legs need to be a bit thiner, and she needs more curves. her breasts are to big and look like shes wearing pads. to fix that, just shade them more on an angle. i also sugest loking into more dithering tecneques. they help a bunch with low color counts








    again, nice piece, but there are my crits. use em if you want.








    Low color is different because trust me, it is much harder to do.




    The bg well, who cares lol I can make it transparent or any other color, doesn't really matter if you ask me.




    As I said, I will rework the foot, and thanks for the rest of crits








    To the other guy, no the foot aren't messed up, it's just the way I drawn them that can be confusing, trying to fix that aswell

  9. the guy in the dragoon has no wepon #-o im sure he gets tons of pks like that :thumbsup:








    Erm, blind ftw? He has a whip+ a defender. Maybe the grey sections of the whip are abit too transparent tho :-k .








    And I did the whole sig in MS paint (except for the samples)

  10. A nice peice of art, but incredibly cliche. I like how you did the work, The Warrior's feet seem a bit small, and I'll C/C a bit more when it gets further down the road, if you post agian. Looking pretty nice so far :)








    And I agree with woopidoo, the moon shining in through the trees would be so badass :oops:




    I know its not original :P But I never really did a mage/melee/ranger sig before.

  11. Not posted it here yet for some reason,




    Heres what I got so far








    What I'm going to do is finish the trees, the ground, maybe add a wildy sign and a bear.








    If you have any other suggestions, post them.





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