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Posts posted by unknowz

  1. I suppose we could add pixeling, but have it in its own category maybe?




    Simply due to the fact that some find pixeling alot harder than sigs (Myself as an example -.- )


    I think there should only be one category. And it can be very open. Why not just make it *a tutorial on graphical arts*? That includes pretty much everything from photography to gfx sigs to pixels.

  2. Char sketches for comic book project. Quick ones, like 10mins each.






    Same guy, tried to make him look a bit younger.








    Speedpaint study, don't comment on the obvious anatomy mistakes, it wasn't my main focus. About 1 hour.


    I know there's a light source issue with the char too.





  3. Probably my first rs related one in a few months lol :P . Was bored and yeah...


    Anyways, it's not really polished because I got bored pretty quickly, but I figured I'd post it.


    About 1h30-2h, gimp.




    EDIT: Yeah it's pretty small. Looks better that way in my opinion.


    ^2:Made her a bit thinner, but I won't go any further.




    Gimp won't replace PS as the industry standard. That's like asking if Linux will replace Windows.


    Linux is actually pretty good...NOT a valid comprehension.


    Yah, I know this is off-topic.


    Never said Linux was bad, but it won't take over Windows simply because of program compatibility.


    Linux developers are actually making programs to convert Windows only programs into Linux ones, just like people made something called Gimpshop to rearrange the gimp interface so it looks like photoshop, and if you ask me, that's not a sign showing people are starting to like Linux/Gimp more than the current standards.


    Gimp and Linux ARE good programs, but they're only an option to the few people who can't get their hands on other programs and/or support and like open source applications.

  5. Gimp won't replace PS as the industry standard. That's like asking if Linux will replace Windows.


    As someone said, it's because of all the programs that are compatible with PS. On a standalone base, both are equally powerful for most things, except a few options which are being implemented in the upcoming gimp versions.


    PS is also more user friendly and has a better interface. And more resources and tutorials.




    I use Gimp personally tho.

  6. Hmm, well I left the tip of gun bright so that the viewers eye gets dragged to it first, then it follow the general diagonal motion to the face, then top right. Maybe it's a little too bright I guess.

  7. Both look pretty nice, but I don't like how the render pops out of the signature in the first one. Other than that, not bad.




    Yeah, well I got the idea by seeing the render which was drawn in a foreshortened top down perspective, like if it was popping out of the page. But I guess since I used only a part of it the effect isn't very obvious...

  8. Yeah, doing random stuff as I have no experience in those whatsoever. If someone likes them and wants to use them just pm me.


    Not really looking for CC cause this was nothing serious, just random stuff. But feel free to.




    2 of my fav game characters. Done in gimp. I think I went a little over the top with the noise filter :?











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