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Everything posted by Ne0z

  1. Ne0z


    I actually went to look at what my percentage was and its 68%, i guess i havnt done as much as i had first thought :P
  2. For me it dosnt matter who wins. But when people start saying theres cheaters on here because their movie is loosing it kinda ruins it. :?
  3. Ne0z


    I own this game on ps2, ive never really givin it a good shot at 100% completion, i think im on like 80% and thats just from doing a whole lotta fun stuff. Yes i agree it is a very good game but nothing compared to san andreas - 100% pwnz j00 :P
  4. I dont play rs alot anymore, like 1 - 2 hours a night when im not doing anything else. So i could just say i live a normal life when not playing runescape... - School (Although im currently on holidays :D) - Friends - Sports - Sleep - video games - workout , ie run or weights :P
  5. Final Fantasy 7, Hands down. Best story line of any game ever made, decent graphics at the time and the characters were very unique. :wink:
  6. hmm, im not to sure... i think if i had to pic it would be the EA sports games, - Rugby - Golf - Nba - Madden Purely because they gave me the most fun, invite the friends over and have a jam on the sports games. Always alot of fun. :twisted:
  7. i did not vote, simply for the fact that i have not seen the godfather yet. LOTR didnt excite me to much, rotk kinda just dragged on and got very boring. I guess ill have to sit this 1 out. :(
  8. i couldnt have put it better myself :) He knew what the consequence would be if he did it, he does it so now he gets punished. Taking the death penalty off this guy is like taking jail time off someone that murders somebody.. Although i do think its kinda harsh compared to other things that have happened but oh well. Rules are rules.
  9. I played Knight online for a little while and i suggest nobody play this game. The customer support is horrible, there are a billion bugs, there are alot of dupers. Although the game is actually an alright game its just the little things that bring it down. i had a Rogue Ranger and got em to lvl 42 or something, ( the max level being like 70 ) with full plate armour with liek +6 or something and some other bits and pieces and iron crossbow. The game was cool from about 10 - 40 then it started getting tooooo boring at lvl 40, people say the game dosnt really start untill lvl 60 because thats when you start getting master points and doing alot of pvp with clans etc but it got to boring to me so i left it. My friends play WoW they say its great... although i have yet to try it :( I play runescape every now and then, mostly because i know alot of people on it and have heaps of friends. If my friends didnt play runescape then i probobly wouldnt either.
  10. I have not seen this film yet :cry: , does anyone know if it will be released in NewZealand? I myself have played and beaten ff7 with all of my main characters at level 99.... and all of them have best equipment possible, all of the summons and i have even beaten the 2 weapons. i loved the game, i really cant wait till i see the movie.
  11. mmm, i did it 3 times... 1st time was 106 WPM with 88% accuracy 2nd was 102 WPM with 87% accuracy ( dont know how i went down ) :? 3rd was 119 WPM with 92% accuracy... All my friends tell me i am a hella fast typer.. but i suppose this just prooves it :o
  12. 360 dosnt come out here in Nz untill march, but atm im not sure if i should get 1 or wait for ps3 :?
  13. I also got up to watch both of these games, ( i kinda stayed up all night because the kick boxing was on also ) and i must say the kiwis played a very good defensive games... not letting the aussies have 1 point! I have been getting up early hours of the morning for the last 4 weeks to watch the all blacks. They have played outstanding, the grand slam is just phenominal (sp) Although rumors say that tana is retiring now :cry: But atleast we still got ma'a nonu for that centre position. I must say that scotland did alot better than what i thought though :o I hope the all blacks can keep up this type of game untill the world cup. :)
  14. yeah i know... can u atleast leave it a few pages before you post again? btw sig is very very nice... 9 / 10 ( just because it looks a bit weird )
  15. Ne0z

    Xbox 360

    Im waiting for the ps3 release. Xbox games just dont appeal to me at all. I think id rather wait the few more months and get the better games other than getting a Xbox now and being disapointed when the ps3 comes out . :)
  16. 4 / 10, i dont really like that space theme idea... and its really plain :)
  17. man ive been looking around these boards and if seen some pretty wicked sigs!... me wanties! your sigs look good i just dont really like the style 8)
  18. go die somewhere else plz, think what you want... but dont go posting worthless stuff again k?
  19. Ps3 will obviously win easily. Sony always has the better games.
  20. I played knights online for a little while. it was alright up untill level 40 then it just got really boring. I think i had a lvl 42 Rogue archer with full plate (goblin armour) which was really good and an iron crossbow +4 Its not a very good game because the customer support is rubbish, there are 10 billion bugs and there are alot of dupers and stuff like that. I am currently back to playing runescape casually atm ( i dont level alot ) because im just playing with a few friends and having a bit of fun.
  21. *points to sig* "Up your nose with a rubber hose" this means that im cool and your not :roll: hehe, im joking.. i dont really have any good quotes i can think of atm. :cry:
  22. I believe the whole combat system should be completely revamped, like having 10k max hp... and boosting the combat stats to like 200... ( but obviously changing the xp ) and u will be able to hit alot more and have unique special attacks... but this will probobly never happen :'(
  23. I find that a good idea, but probobly will never be put into the game :cry:
  24. dont judge a book by its cover, wait untill you actually USE the controller and dont judge it by what it looks like... :?
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