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Posts posted by Zygimantas

  1. Some of you are not going to believe this. I say this now.


    I tried the method in the OP. It worked the first time, but I was a bit scared. I think since I was scared, I saw the letters LUCID but they were huge. They had creepy red eyes and long black skinny hands with 3 fingers. I thought it was kinda funny, so I began to laugh. The letters began to shrink till they were able to fit in my hand. I then squeezed my hand and they dissapeared. When they dissapeared, that made a huge noise and I woke up.


    Next day.


    After a good day of playing Runcescape, I wanted to try this again. I successfully got into the lucid stage again, and this time I realized I was in a familiar location. There was a herb patch and an odd looking plant in front of it. I realized that I was in Runescape, doing a FREAKING FARMING RUN. HOLY [cabbage]. I couldn't really control it, but I was picking the herbs, placing compost, and plaing new seeds. But that's not all. When I used my teletab, I felt as if I was being sucked through a different dimension and appeared somewhere else. The coolest teleport was the Ectophail. When I dumped it on the ground, I felt as if my feet were being dissolved and then I teleported. That's not all. Right after I planted my herb seed, I immediately appeared under the lighthouse where the dagannoth are. I think this was so because I had a task there the same day. It was so cool, watching myself attack the dagannoth. I felt little pinches when they hit me, too. It was awesome.


    Thanks, Wongtong. That was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

    I lol'd. Someone has been playing a little too much runescape these days :XD:

  2. Helping society or other people is in a sense, selfish. People help others because it makes them feel good. If you felt bad when helping people, you wouldn't help people. Which brings me to my point, almost everything anyone does is selfish. So one's selfishness is what strives us to interact and ultimately form civilizations.

  3. Ok, that makes sense with people who have heard before. But again, logically, how can you imagine a sound if you've never heard a sound?


    Since you can't know what you don't know, it's safe to say that we agree to disagree. Care to prove that deaf people can't sub-vocalize?

    I don't think there is proof either way. It just logically makes sense for them to not be able to.

  4. (King James Bible)


    "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination."


    Leviticus 18:22



    And that, my friends, is why people get all worked up about about what two consenting adults want to do in private.



    Uhhh no. And we've already disproven that verse.


    Interesting thought I had while reading for psych. Some scientists believe that homosexuality may be linked to genetics, if this is proven to be true do you think it homosexuality would be more accepted?



    No offence broski, that's old news. Like... 1995 old news. People just don't care about that.



    And greg, I'm confused. You say you don't follow God because he is an ass. Explain your reasoning. Would you follow George Bush's Law even if he is an ass?

    Why would you follow someone you don't like? :mellow:

  5. Slap yourself in the face and then read this line:


    It's your best friend's ex. Don't go there.



    Rinse, and repeat.



    Seriously, that's the number one way to loose a best friend, is to sleep with their ex. Other way? Sleep with their parent. It's an utter and wholly complete betrayal.



    Whoever would sleep with you best friend's parent is seriously [developmentally delayed]ed in the head. :shock:

    Maybe they're very attractive and highly seductive...

  6. Well, work was fantastic towards the end. I was support tonight, which means I helped anyone who needed help; obviously. About halfway through the night our QA (Quality Assurance) Lead decides that she's going to screw up literally every order possible and send out the wrong food to half the restaurant. Upon realizing what had happened she basically walked out. So me being the support I take the reins, fix the food, clear our screen (which was entirely black [black screen means every order is done and waiting to be taken out] with 22 pages of backed orders), sort everything out with the customers, and assure them that the managers will be compensating them. I was praised, got promoted to QA Lead permanently, and got to leave early because the managers decided I had done enough and deserved to have the rest of the night off. Go me? :thumbup: ;)

    Epic win Bows!


    Good Job :twss:

  7. Why do people think that if being gay is a choice, it's wrong? I've never understood that. Why can't you choose to be gay?

    Cause then it might not really be who you are...? I mean if you say you want to be gay, but you are actually straight by nature.... you won't actually be satisfied. Its like making yourself something you're not.


    So why would someone choose to be something they're not and something they don't enjoy? I could choose to be gay, sure. But the fact I'm not attracted to males or turned on in any manner would in fact turn me off of being gay, right?

    Exactly. Why would they?


    They wouldn't, which is why choosing to be gay isn't wrong. If you choose to be gay, it's because you want to, and that isn't wrong.

    But then you aren't really choosing, you already are and just didn't admit it /realize it yet.


    You're choosing to be open about it? In all honesty, I got confused about what we were arguing about lol. But you choose to accept it, you choose to be open about it/hide it, you choose your mate.

    Yea. What I'm saying is that I don't think you should choose to be straight or gay if in reality you are not. But yea you should admit that you are gay if you actually are.

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